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Posts posted by CaptnKush

  1. Well so far I am loving this 494 tart wax. Easy to use and very strong HT. I really love the finish product of this wax, and it feels like I am pouring oil not wax because of all the botanicals that are in it.  Accidental buy turned out to be a good one. Too bad we can't sell a single one on Etsy. Lots of visits but no buys.


  2. 6 hours ago, Sebleo said:

    I have read many reviews where people have had bad experiences with palm in the past- no/little fragrance and they aren’t willing to give palm another try. 

    Which seems weird, bc people have bad experiences with soy or paraffin and don’t write off the wax entirely. 

    I get the hardly any fragrance thing, since most people don't realize you need to change out the bulb to a 40 watt or use an electric plate. I just put up a soy tart just to see.

  3. My wife is currently practicing with her desert looking candles with a base of Coconut 83. She is going to be making the whipped wax and doing fruit and cookie embeds. Is there a soy wax that you guys can recommend for the embeds that isn't discontinued? I made the mistake of telling her to order the Golden wax Melt and tart wax, then after getting it I read that it won't melt with a wick and to not use it for a candle. Or will this wax work?

  4. Ya, I know about wicking down with the coconut, but I have added beeswax to help with the flame and now I am on an eco 10 that seems so far to be pretty good in this jar for the second burn at least. Time will tell. Eco 8 mushroomed too much, and didn't get close enough to the edge. I just wasn't sure if I should be doing multi wicks on this jar since it is wider at bottom  than the 3" opening.

  5. Ahahahaha I told someone on the candle making resource group on FB to not take his videos serious because there was unsafe  wicking and he was giving wrong info out to new people  as in adding FO at extremely low temps along with no warning labels. The very next day I was banned and all posts and replies I had made to anyone were removed. Next day they accepted me back. lol. This guy is a god to some people I'm guessing. Im guessing his money comes from his classes that he does all over the US and not the sale of his candles.


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  6. 8 hours ago, Pam W said:

    Just gotta say that there are soooo many ways to make candles..............most of them contribute absolutely NOTHING to the THROW.........so WHY go there???????????


    You are right that they do not contribute to hot throw. The whole point is its an eye catcher, something that gives you an edge on your sales which is what we all want. Same reason people make cup cake and desert looking candles, because those also do not contribute to hot throw but look good  and there is a market for them. Just need to do it a different way such as what was mentioned earlier about using wax coffee bean embeds for the same effect.

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  7. On 6/30/2019 at 10:13 AM, Dirt Roads said:

    Do you find the coconut wax gives better CT & HT?

    As compared to which wax? For me I have been testing out igi 6046 and liked it a lot until I got into testing the Coconut 83. Both have good ct and ht but the 83 has a more real smelling cold throw, probably because of the soy and palm wax in it.   My test fragrance was Pumpkin Souffle. For a 3" jar I recommend adding 5% beeswax and use an eco 6 wick and pour at 185-190. Without the beeswax the Eco 4 would work better. Eco is my new best friend, I don't know why I haven't gotten these sooner, seems like TallTayl is always recommending them. I am not getting any mushroom from it, and I am smelling the candle in the next room really strong, and this is after a 3 day cure. Can't wait to try after a long cure. Gonna get the beads as soon as calcandlesupply gets it in next week because I don't like the mess of pulling it out of the bag and cutting it, plus its easier to measure. Hope that helps.

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  8. Did you wash the jar out before you poured the wax? That pic looks like it might be Portland cement residue that might have still been lightly coated on inside of jar. Another thing you can do is message some of the people on Etsy that make those jars, maybe they can help you out better. Wow, I hope you get this one figured out because I love the look and price of those jars. Keep us posted.

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