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Posts posted by poupette

  1. Hello,


    I have a problem with the smell of my candles when I light them.
    I lit two candles with different scents but I did not leave the cure time.
    I lit it the next day because I wanted to check the burn pool.
    I find myself with a light smell of burn, at first I thought it was the wick but it feels nothing when I cut a small piece and I feel it between my fingers.

    Do you think that the smell would not be there if I had left the candles in cure longer?

    Does the rest time protect the wick against this smell like a protection?

    I used natureC3 , tcr series, ng fo

    Sorry for my English, I am French and I am trying to improve myself.




    Hello everyone,

    I introduce myself, I am a candle maker, I come from France and I have some problems with french wicks. I tried number 5 and number 6 and I am very surprised to see that the number 5 wick is larger than the 6.

    with n°5 burn pool is bigger than n°6.


    I am very surprised.

    Excuse me if my English is imperfect, I hope that you understand me.

    And thanks for your help.

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