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Everything posted by ShelleyF

  1. Oh I know I'll have to sell a lot of those.But I'm going to try eBay because somebody else is selling them for $2.99 each. How much is the regular going rate of those things?I know a lady that told me she sold them for a dollar that's not worth your time.But she also hasn't made candles in about 3 years so things have went way up since then she said. But she said she sold tons of them.
  2. I'm glad to hear that it's more profitable to make those cups cuz it's so much easier. It's hard for me to see those boxes with the 6 compartments and I overfilled some of them. I'm going to be much happier this way. I can pour twice as fast to as before.
  3. I looked on eBay this morning and it said some lady selling them for $2.99 each. Plus $3 and something for shipping and then an extra $0.50 per cup after the first order to combine the shipping. I was like I'm in the wrong spot. Lol that's good to know people like the cups better. I was trying to sell the cups but I thought I can make more money selling the boxes. But then people been telling me it's more affordable to buy the cups.
  4. The black ones of the ones I bought.I am very annoyed because it should have been delivered yesterday and I still haven't got it. It's coming FedEx and I'm thinking it should be here soon I hope.I bought 500 of them because it's a lot cheaper like that.if you can afford more than that it gets even cheaper but I am not an established business yet lol it's also free shipping if you spend $50 or more. It was $70 for 500 of them.On eBay and Amazon and there's a lot more than that I checked.I thought about getting different colors but I don't have time to color coordinate lol I'll let you know how I like them when the mail gets here.
  5. Which cups are you using? Is it the thick oval ones? If so I had a lady send me a couple during the summer to test her scents for her. They looked perfect and we're soy. I don't know which soy but definitely not 464. They were firmer than that. lol my husband has an early work schedule. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and come on here. I feel good waking up early. I seem to get more done but it is the same thing really. Just different hours.
  6. Just buy the foil cups and use them as molds. Then put the cup on the warmer. Not cupcake liners as those are too flimsy.
  7. I just meant for the hot months because it would melt during shipping wouldn't it? Or no? If not that would be great. Still waiting for my cups lol I'm impatient. So tomorrow I will make something. I get up very early in the morning. Sometimes 1:30AM sometimes 3;30AM lol
  8. I will. I'm getting them in today. So you know I'm going to test it today lol If it works great in this cup then this will be great. It worked in the pie tins but this is taller so it seems better. I will make all 4627 during the cooler months and local. But for shipping I will have to harden it up. But it will be the best melts if it works. This experimenting is tiring lol
  9. I have bought a lot of wax from people. Most of them were labeled. I have a ton of soy that I wish I didn't. lol but there is nothing wrong with the soy. Just takes forever to cure. I will use it though. I have soy 414, 444, 464,CB-135, some paraffin 4627 which I love, 4630 which I love and some 4625 and some that I have no idea what it is. Also have a ton of beeswax candles. I get stuff so cheap that I have to buy it but I am not a store. I make melts and don't make candles.
  10. These are on KitchenDance site. Supposed to be sturdy. Also the silicon baking cupcake holders work for harder melts. I gave a few away to customers and they love them.
  11. Today I ordered some beautiful black foil aluminum cups with lids. The whole thing except the lid goes into the wax burner. Then you can save for another day and just throw the whole thing away when the scent goes away. I'm excited as I think this will take off or at least I hope so lol Now for the summer shipping I will have to harden it but people are still lazy. So no fuss, no muss still should work. lol
  12. I made melts in the clamshell boxes. It was 4627 mixed with pillar wax. But I also made just 4627 in the tins and it is lasting even longer. That's great the carrier oil worked. I'm loving experiments. Lol never thought I would.
  13. I know and definitely more cost effective. I made Vanilla Champagne melts yesterday and it is blazing through the house. I don't have a huge house but it isn't tiny. 1700 square feet and the kitchen is not close to my bedroom. I can smell it everywhere. I turned it on at around 12 Noon today and then fell asleep with it on. Woke up unexpectedly at 11PM and was confused at the lovely smell I was breathing in lol then realized I left my burner on. I just turned it off about 30 minutes ago. It is 12:40AM here. So 12 hours straight blazing scent and it still has a lot of life to go. And this was only part 4627. I'm excited to use just 4627 and see that it will last a very long time. Have to order more tins but my experiment worked fantastic. One lady asked me the other day if my melts lasted 5 hours at the most likely Walmart. I said no lol mine last for 2 days most of the time and longer sometimes. I had some that lasted 3 weeks. Yeah I had to stop doing that. There's no profit in that. I want to have long lasting products but if nobody needs to buy anything then there is no money.
  14. That will be great. I hope it works.
  15. So something can buy something and have 6 months to use it and return it? I have a separate bank for online selling. I sure can't do refunds after 6 months.
  16. I don't know how she could live with herself doing that to you. That is just so wrong on so many levels. I always thought that candle people were sort of like an honest group with each other. I mean I wish everyone well and if I had things I wanted to sell I sure wouldn't sell garbage. I think I would have literally got sick seeing that.
  17. That is disgusting and crazy she needed the money that bad to do something so mean and horrible. I have never got a bad destash and I've bought about 50 of them at least. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
  18. No because it was factory sealed, brand new. That's why I'm so confused. I hate not knowing why. Lol
  19. I have Orange Clove from JS. It is amazing and strong.
  20. That is gross. I knew they sold that. There is no way I could do that. It's supposed to be not allowed. All items are supposed to be clean but everyone knows the sickos buy it. My conscience would not allow me to do that.
  21. You are right it is nasty. I did not want any part of that. Money is not that important to me.
  22. Thank you. I was thinking that it might be like that I was hoping it would be easier to tell what it was though lol I did make some melts with the coconut smell and the melts are getting good reviews from my family members and friends. The thing is I wouldn't be able to order it because I don't know what it is lol but I am thankful that I have the 4627 and know what it is and I love it. So that's something.
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