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Posts posted by TraciS

  1. I have a spare too. I lost one and ran out to buy a new one. You guessed it, found the lost one the next day but had already used the new and tossed the box. So now I have 2 and I have used both for almost 7 years now and neither shows any signs of trouble. I'll probably jinx myself now and they will both blow within a few days-lol.

  2. Sometimes there is an ad on the right side of the page here that is a box place - not like papermart so much but more like custom boxes. I haven't seen it the last couple days but maybe it will pop up again soon. Or google custom candle boxes and that may help? I"m no help, sorry. I use a white box and a clear label on it.

  3. I tried the boxes on the top to see if my candles looked any different but I don't think I could sustain that method and maintain any type of production. Spacing to accommodate boxes was murder and no way I could fit enough candles in an oven. I rarely have sink holes but I usually poke and touch up with heat gun.

  4. Chele,

    Do you still have your store and the barn is for production?

    I would go as large as you can afford without debt. I have about 600sq ft and it is well laid out and is TINY. All I do is pour and package as that's all that space allows. I store some glass and wax there but have a storage unit for the rest.

  5. I don't doubt that they "could" afford to pay another $1 and that they will understand why the price went up. It's not that I don't think they will buy, it's what do I stock for shows to have the right size for the pocket book. Will they still buy the 16oz size or drop back to the tumbler size which is easier on the pocketbook? I believe we will all still buy luxuries but will they be smaller luxuries?

    I think people are more understanding than you think. When I raised prices they were. Some were even surprised I hadn't raised them earlier. They understand that everything costs more now and you can't sell at the same price. If they can't afford to give you a dollar or more each, then they really shouldn't be buying candles at this time anyway.
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