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Posts posted by TraciS

  1. I have learned to not stress too much. Your display will rarely be perfect, you won't have all the scents that customer will ask for and you will never bring enough of the show's biggest seller because it changes from show to show. No matter what happens, there is always another next show so relax, have fun and keep a little list of all the things you would do different so the next time you can get it a little better. If you get to caught up in what isn't right you will forget to have fun!

    And run a tartwarmer if at all possible to bring people over to find that wonderful scent!

  2. Ya know, some of the members are quick to jump in tell people to use Search instead of asking about something that has been discussed before and then when someone does and brings something that is old back out, we are bored with the old topics and want them to talk about new stuff. Hard to know what to do sometimes.

    But I do agree that these old threads being drug back up are getting old and you don't usually know it is way old unless you are checking dates before reading posts.

  3. I have purchased a few their candles and they are your average CB Adv candle. Scent throw gets better after a some cure time and they get frost lines when burned. They smell good but I never had a run-you-out-of-the-house strong candle of few I tried.

    It looks like they are just reselling Millcreek b&b bases with a hefty price hike on the supplies website. It makes me skeptical that their scents could be the same also but renamed and priced up a bit, who knows? I do know someone who ordered something off their supply site and got ripped on the shipping. They paid 3 times the going shipping rate and never got a response as to why.

    If you are using their same wax and scents then you are probably getting a similar result to what they sell. I truly believe you can make a better candle just finding the wax you like best and testing some scents from a few companies. All have good and bad, high and low prices. You may find some winners at great prices. Be unique!

  4. Flicker's Secret Garden is awesome too. Very fresh, sweet floral.

    Also her Cranberry Ginger Spice Tea. It has such a strong cold thow that I could smell it through out the living room before it was even lit and the hot throw is equally as strong. Could cut back on FO on this one. I use 8% in GW464 to start testing.

    And Olive Blossom. Love it! It has a note to it that reminds me of Orchid but everyone who smells it falls in love. I cut back to 7% on this one.

    Cranberry Fig & Citrus Blossom are winners too. I cut back to 7% on both of these.

    I just ordered a new sample pack of 8 scents. I almost hope they aren't strong or she is going to bleed my bank account dry!

  5. They had a few colors in stock for a few days-lol. I checked one day and could at least get ivory but then got busy and forgot for a while. Went back and they were gone already.

    Has anyone gotten the mosaic wall plug ins yet? I can't tell if they look pretty or if they will be cheesy up close. I have a candle shade in the red mosaic and it is pretty but they didn't sell until I marked them down.

  6. I just wouldn't get upset about a font. Maybe the designer meant she wouldn't use Teresa's version and she then found the font for herself, who knows as the designer isn't here to defend herself. The designer has every right to use any font in the public domain just like any of us can do, they aquire the rights to use it just like we do.

    I really think this complaint should have been handled in private and not in public.

  7. Millions of sites have the same fonts and are still unique. When I had my logo designed I sent a picture of a curly letter that I liked and my designer located a font that was similar and now I use it on everything. It could have been the same font you use, who knows? The only way to be truly unique is to get a logo you love and do your own site instead of buying other people's work. It's hard to be unique for long but you will find that out if you decide to sell or make your site live.

    Not sure I agree with making it seem as though the designer didn't go find that font and buy it for her own business needs, she very well could have. If it's available for sale, why not?

  8. FunFlames, you might want to see if NG will verify that only 2% is paraffin. Another supplier sells what they say is the same formulation, different name and they put the paraffin at a much higher % if you ask. NG used to say the 2% but I haven't seen that on their site lately (not that I couldn't have missed it). It may still be a good wax for you but you probably want to know if it's 2% or 35% paraffin.

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