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Everything posted by OFCILynn

  1. Those soaps are just beautiful looking!! Too bad about the lack of FO!!! I have NEVER used or tried homemade soap but if you need a tester, I will be honest with you! God Bless, OFCILynn
  2. I would love to have a publication like this!! I will be watching for the launch! Thanks!!!!
  3. Thank you so much for sending this to me! I really do appreciate it!! God Bless, Lynn
  4. Im sorry you are having such troubles hon. I do not know of suppliers that ship internationally but I can do this for you if you are interested! I can check my local WalMart for prices and get back to you. I can purchase them for you and ship them to you as long as you pay for the shipping. Would that help at all? Let me know and Ill take a look!! God Bless, OFCILynn
  5. Hello all! I need assistance in figuring out WHAT kind of wick I would use for a pyramid mold Pyramid w/stand 4 sides 4 1/2x6 1/2 holds 2lbs wax using 1343 wax. Picutre can be found here: http://www.candletech.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5412&d=1143057240 I want to make some scented, some unscented. All using chuncks made using 4611 and 1343. I just dont have a clue due to the shape and what would work on top of the pyramid, wont work as it thickens towards the bottom. Has anyone had luck wicking these properly?? I have read on here about trying a 30-40 FB, did they work?? Any and all help would be appreciated! PS, I bought this mold from a kind CT user who could not get the correct wicking down so Im clueless!! TIA God Bless, Lynn
  6. Thank you all for your sweet comments! They are encouraging to me as I know that I have a long way to go yet and as these are my first, Im hopeful that I will get MUCH better! Especially after I get a proper melter!! Im tickled you all like the little diaper favors! I was trying so hard to think of something that I could make to implement candle making with favors and this is what I briefly came up with. I still will work on them to make them much better and hope that the Mommy-2-B will like them. Now, I get to make them for my own daughters baby showers so you KNOW Ill be tweeking them better! LOL I have a question though, I have not sprayed these favors to add shine and need to check into the safety of doing so. I dont know if it would be SAFER to leave them as is in case someone wants to just put mints or nuts and such right into them or to coat them with something! These are NOT scented!! I will be doing some that are scented to see how the wax and material hold up but would have caution lables on the bottom so food would NOT go directly into the cups! Next, I am going to make larger "diapers" for the scraggle bears to "Sit" in. Ill post when I do that and you call can be honest with me on how you think it looks! Again, Thanks! God Bless, Lynn
  7. I also would love to have the wick chart and compare it to what I have please!! Lynn ofci@ofci.biz Thanks so much in advance!! God Bless
  8. I just love how that candle looks! I have yet to even think about using Palm Wax but guess I am going to have to check the classifieds and see if anyone is selling any!! Thanks, just what I need, ANOTHER project to try! LOL What I am learning about candle making is that it is never ending............and by God, so is the testing!!! Urrrrrrrrg! LOL Thanks for sharing and again, great job! Post pictures of it lit!!
  9. Yummy!!! Since it is calorie free, can I have a second helping please? Great job hon!! Keep it up! God Bless, Lynn
  10. Thank you all for your replies! I didnt imagine it would be as simple as just burning straight through! LOL I just wanted to make sure that these were tested correctly!!! You all are great!! I appreciate you!! God Bless, Lynn
  11. I just bought a storage container on wheels at WalMart to house my wax in this week. They come in brown or blue. I got the brown to help keep out more light! They will hold approx. 4-5 cases of wax. I paid 17.00 for the one, but well worth it I think!! Just a idea! I hope my winter critters wont eat through it!! God Bless, Lynn
  12. Hi all, I was wondering the best way to test tea lite candles? Do you let burn 1 hr. let completely cool, relight and continue till burnt down? Do you just let them burn without relighting? I know that I am just lighting and allowing to burn down right now with some of these as I know not everyone will use proper caution and trim wicks and such. I want to make sure that I am testing these properly! The ones that I am testing now are in plastic tea lite holders and will be placed in the carved candles. Not sure if that will make a difference on testing but I want to make sure that they wont melt through nor make the carved candles too hot. Any adivse is welcome! Thanks all!! God Bless, Lynn
  13. Ok, here I go bearing my soul like others before me. These are my very first candles, tarts and favors for a baby shower that I am doing. I know that I have a LONG way to go yet but didnt think for my very first ones that they came out too bad! The candle in the foreground is the very first one ever made! You can really tell!! The one in front is the second one I made! Please dont laugh as I am sharing these as I know that I have a long way to go yet!! This is the first candle that I made using color. It was a bit hard with the small size candle and phone calls coming in while carving!! This is the first large colored candle that I tried making!! A little closer view! A large one that I made and am playing with on how I want to decorate it with what I have on hand at home! Another view First votives using one pour wax. These are the second votives I ever made. First kind were plain white and not repour! These I made for my youngest daugthers 19th birthday, scented Love Spell. I am not happy with the total burn quality of these as I think they should last alot longer. The cold throw is decent but now how it should be. The hot throw also was decent but not up to my standards!! They did have a great melt pool and burned fine but wasnt happy with the mushrooming of the zinc wick. I also tried burning one without trimming and that is the one that didnt do great in regards to the mushrooming. BTW-these were done in the pink for HER as it is her favorite color! LOL These are some blue Baby Magic tarts that I made for a baby shower. They smell great and melt great! She knows she is having a boy, thus the blue! These are wax diaper favors for the shower that I was playing around making. They are made from flannel and cut and folded into the shape of a diaper. I still want to work on them to make them look better and only made up these two thus far! Ok all, I have exposed myself! Enjoy viewing, dont laugh too hard! LOL Lynn
  14. Absolutely Beatiful display and products hon!! I love the whole look! I dont know the quality of your candles and gifts but the display makes them look HIGH quality! Your display would draw me to your booth in a heartbeat!! Cant wait to see your website when it is done to see more of the actual products that you make/sell!! God Bless,
  15. I just thought Id post the link for the abbreviations for those who need it!! http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5492 God Bless, OFCILynn
  16. Very nice hon! I wish you the best of luck!!! God Bless,
  17. Hello, I made had a vat of 4611 wax with titaniam dioxide and steric in it that wound up leaking. Water got into the wax. I could no longer use some of this wax for my cut and curl candles. Instead of throwing all the wax out, I decided to try and see how well tarts would be made with it, just playing around. I also wanted to test out a FO that I purchased, Baby Magic. I added 1 oz of FO per lb of wax and blue liquid dye. (I have a baby shower coming up for a woman who is having a boy, thought Id test this out) The tarts smelled great and had a awesome scent throw cold. It wasnt untill all of the tart was melted that I began smelling it without sticking my nose in it. Is this normal for tarts?? I now smell it great! I have no experiance with tarts and have never used them so Im not sure when to judge a proper scent throw! Any and all help on this would be great! Thanks!!
  18. Do you all like this better?? I have to agree with some of you that it didn't appear to be OFCI in the center, as the I was hard to find! LOL It really didn't look hard to find on the graphics program! LOL And, I do agree that the order wasn't OFCI but OCF....i! LOL I want to get the center graphic down more before I work on the rest of the label! Thanks again all!!! Please know that these are just rough drafts and I TRUST my CT pals here to critique this out with me!!! God Bless, OFCILynn
  19. Here is a example, without the crosses of what the label would look like on say a Salmon/pink candle. This will have a border around it but am still tweaking before I do that! I will say that temporarily resizing this image and changing the format to post the picture really does take away from the CLEARITY and gold shiny effect of the label!! Please keep that in mind! Tell me if seeing the different color background, if this makes a difference and look less gothic or funeralish! LOL Also, I do not have candles listed on this label as the logo is for ALL of our crafted items that we make!! I would have the product name, such as candles or bath items or designer clothes for pets and such on the item label. This LOGO would actually be centered on top with the item description largely printed below. I know this is hard to explain, specially with no sleep! LOL Ill try and get time to design up a FULL actual label graphic to post later! I am still debating on the idea of this one to work with! Thanks all for your HONEST opinions!! I know that I can trust my CandleTech friends and if I wasn't willing to listen to the bad with the good, I would have no business posting at all!! BTW~What do you think of the name to summarize many crafted items that we make?? In a earlier post, I asked the board to help with a name to represent OFCI since I had to change what it originally stood for! Our Family Connection Inc. God Bless, OFCILynn
  20. Very interesting in what you said! Here I was trying to show my faith in Christianity in my logo but never thought of it looking funeralish! I can see where you can get that impression. I will have to print some up and try them on my daughters candles I made her to see the color show through and see if it still looks funeralish! I had thought about putting the fish symbol instead but it was a bit too much! I will rethink this! Thank you so much for your input!! God Bless, OFCILynn
  21. I need you to tell me what you all think of this Logo, minus the gold frame! This would be my labels but the black in the letters would actually be transparent to show the candle color. That includes the black in the center Logo. Sorry that resizing to post distored the image and took away from the gold metallic look and shadows of the writing! Please be honest!! Thank YOU all!!
  22. I am using the 4611 and really like it! I have yet to use my 1343 for them. JMHO. I havent been making the cut-n-carve candles but a very, very short time so I am NOT one to really speak about this yet. Just wanted to let you know that I do like the 4611! God Bless, OFCILynn
  23. Awesome job Corence! Those look great! I think I will have to try some of the mold kits! Thanks for sharing! OFCILynn
  24. Im so sorry Tucker to hear that you need the hip replacement!! Please reconsider selling off your supplies till after you have recovered from your surgery!! The surgery doesnt mean that you have to quit, you just may need to make a few adjustments in your life!! You take good care of yourself and know that you have our prayers, love and support!!! God Bless,
  25. I too would like to know of some good quality pressed flower places to order from! I know years ago I had ordered some for some shadow boxes and decoupage that I was doing and they were slightly moldy on the underside. Cant remember the name of the company but am shy about ordering now from a company without some recommendations! Thanks in advance!! God Bless, OFCILynn
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