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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. Your presentation is lovely, and the concept is just awesome.. but I think the labels need to go the long way on those bottles. (Don't smack me :lipsrseal please!) Have you tried that? If so, and you hated it, I apologize if I've overstepped.. I can show you a pic of what one looks like with the label long ways if you haven't tried it or want to see what it looks like.

    Your not overstepping at all. I'm open for all comments before I start to market these. Right now...their a giveaway with ever Spa Set that is purchased. Sure thing Prairie, shoot me a pic, would love to see other options.

  2. For those of you who mail your jar candles by post, do you answer yes when they ask if there's anything fragile inside the box? The reason I ask is because I've never answered yes, and never had any problems with breakage in the past, but just recently I had one box containing 3 jars where one of them arrived broken. So I'm wondering if it might help if I declared the package as fragile?

    Based on experience and having friends in UPS, Canpar and Canada Post, they told me never to label the pkgs. "Fragile". When the warehouse staff (only a few) spots that word, 9 times out of 10, your pkgs. are going to be kicked around like a football.

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