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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. She seen the error but thought she could get it out of you. You would be surprised how many people out there are big scammers. I know of a lady that purposely goes out of her way to get a "deal" all the time. She will order (2) pizzas with 6 items. When the delivery guy comes to the door, she quickly opens the box and explains that it is the wrong pizza. He waits at the door while she calls the rest., explains she didn't want such and such on the (1) pizza (even though she did order it), they let her keep the (2) free, plus they deliver another (2) and she smirks when all is done and says "BONUS, I have lunch for the rest of the week at work"! :confused: She hasn't paid for a video rental in two years. She will check out the New Releases and make sure their all rented, go to the teller and explain she wanted that movie, so they issue her a "rain check". Believe it or not, this is the story of her life and I'm sure there are numerous others doing the same thing. If she wanted your products bad enough, she wouldn't be complaining and requesting a 50% reduction. She would be understanding and except the 10-15% you had originally offered her. Don't try to pacify this woman as I can see, once she receives the product, she will try to find something wrong so you will issue her more free products. Trust Me...I had a retailer try to pull that one me.

  2. Love this! All black and chic ... my kind of container and I want some now lol.

    This isn't the one where you were getting posting errors is it?

    Yep that was the pic. Figured out the posting problem finally. :)

  3. Is it McCall's Country Store? I've got a girlfriend who is obsessed with this one and I'm on the hunt for a dupe. Here's the description: A tangy blend of rosehips, oranges, apples, cinnamon and spices. It was suggested that Snowtop's Country Grove might be similar (A country blend of oranges, cinnamon and spices. A strong spice blend!). I ordered some, but haven't had a chance to pour it yet. HTH :)


    Try the Country Grove...You will Love it!!! :yay:

  4. Hi Yorkie,

    Wish I would have found this board years ago when I first started out. My best advise for you is keep your eyes peeled on CT 24/7. :) You will gain so much information, it will knock your socks off. Also, if you can afford it, try buying some samples off of the classifieds. This is the best way to test inexpensively. I remember purchasing pounds of oils, to make it worth my while for shipping purposes, only to find, they wouldn't perform in my soy. Wasted so much $$$. Sometimes, there are chandlers giving samples away but you pay the shipping. What a way to test the water before diving in head first. :yay: BTW...Welcome to our Home! :)

  5. I have to admit I did something to me DH one time. :rolleyes2 He just finished his tooling on a mold insert I needed and started preparing the silicone, plopped his masterpieces into the oven to speed up the process, turned the oven off and left everything in overnight. Well....me not knowing he had our new mold composites in the oven, turned it on first thing in the morning to pre-heat for breaky and I instantly develped pretty strong heart palpitations when I opened the oven door to insert the food. This incident affected both of us, but more so him as all his hard work puffed up like pink marshmallows.:shocked2: I laughed so hard it brought tears to my eyes, :laugh2: but I laughed due to embarrassment more than anything.

  6. I have this one and its a strong fresh orange scent...but no scent of chili pepper...love the orange scent tho! I still haven't been able to burn it without detecting a fuel smell to it in 100% soywax. Great scent otherwise.

    I was wondering about the fuel smell. Glad you mentioned it before I bought it. :)

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