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Posts posted by celicagtca

  1. I had a chance to try their brand new scents this weekend and I highly recommend Lovely by SJP, Srawberry Rhuburb,Godiva Chocolate Tini, Lemon Bundt Cake, Coconut Milk and Peaches (WOW)and NEW Buttercreme Frosting (YUM) They are having a 10 for $10 sale so now is the time so try some of these new scents and if you haven't tried the new Funky Monkey or the Flip Flops OMG :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: Becky's scents just keep getting better!!!!

    Sue Ann

    The Flip Flops and Beach Bum have a fabulous hot throw in pure soy. Can't wait to get the Strawberry Rhubarb!!!!

  2. Have used Royal for several years and have been very happy with their FO.Their Calming, Energy, Relaxing, and Sensual Blends have all sold well and been very consistent from batch to batch. The Bergamot Italy & Mandarin Brazil, Riviera Sun, Romantic Blends, and especially Lemon Verbena, and Coco Mango are all great. I use C-3 with 2 percent BW.

    Each order is blended fresh as it comes in. This assures me of having very fresh scent every time. It takes several days longer, but it is worth it.

    Cari will send a list of scents that have been tested or recommended in Soy if you ask.


    Ditto! I have always received good oils from them also...no complaints. I'm in Canada and the longest I've ever waited for oils was 9 days.

  3. I'm seriously considered jumping on this sale.......again :o

    What are the must haves, including Christmasy scents.


    Here's what I'm thinkin' so far:

    Appleberry Spice

    Baby Powder

    Boysenberry Spiced Clove

    Christmas Wish

    Deck the Halls

    Enchanted Forest

    Lemon Sugar

    Orange Clove

    Pumpkin Nog


    Reindeer Retreat

    Appleberry Spice is good, I use the Baby Fresh which is really nice, Boysenberry Spiced Clove is really good also. Christmas Wish is good and I switched to the Pomander instead of the Orange Clove as it has more kick for my liking.

  4. Hi Sab,

    I would definately change the wording on your site to: For every minimum $20 order, receive 1 or 2 free samples. That way, you won't have people contacting you for samples and if they do...they obviously can't read and their really not the type of people you want to do business dealings with.

  5. I think Lindsay said that she would send the wholesale info actually, just not the products... or am I just getting super mixed-up here because it's 4.30am? :confused:

    Lindsay probably did say that, but most wholesale suppliers I deal with, do not provide wholesale pricing without acquiring your business i.d.#. I have founid in the past that most people that email wanting wholesale information without a business # are usually other chandlers trying to figure out how to competitively price their items for resale purposes.

  6. I was very professional in my response, but like you, I do not provide any wholesale information till I receive proof of being a registered business. I also let them know that they do not have to meet my minimum to try our products. They will receive wholesale on the item plus they have to pay the shipping.

  7. Hey Sabrina,

    I don't know if this is the same person wanting your freebies, but I just received this in my email this morning. I don't think she's going to like the response. :)

    We are interested in sampling your candles and have question re; burn time, prices, etc. Can we get a sample of your candles/but a sample set? Also we are in the process of registering our business....can we still get some info. re: wholesale pricing please?

    Please reply

    Ev Crasto


  8. Who cares if their getting pop-ups! Maybe they'll think twice about advertising your site all over the net explaining "Freebies To All". I think it's funny that it back fired on them.:D Once you give 1 freebie, the whole world will be on your doorstep.

  9. Gelluminations Inc., is affiliated with Brighter Scents as I have dealt with BS in the past. I can speak as a 1st party :D and I was also told to put in a US Zip Code through their website when I ordered. I did receive my goods but I chased them for 4-5 weeks via email trying to acquire an invoice for my products. They basically cut me off after I received the goods and wouldn't respond to any of my emails in regard to the invoice ever again. Never did receive my invoice for tax purposes. That form of customer service left a bad taste in my mouth. :undecided

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