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Posts posted by nayarx8

  1. Millcreek can usually be used for either candles or B&B; just check under FO description to be sure. I personally really like Brighter Scents 'Happy' dupe the best. Great throw in pure soy and its B&B safe! They are actually having a sale on their FO's right now; 4 oz for 5.50!

  2. A few of my favorites:

    Pomegranate (peaks) w/ Berry Creme Brulee (mcsoy)=Pomegranate ala mode

    Spiced Cranberry w/ Key Lime (both peaks), dash of Cinnamon= Holiday Cosmopolitan

    Peppermint w/ Sugar Cookies=Frosty's Nose

    Honey Baked Pears w/ White Pine or Spruce=A Partridge in a Pear Tree

    But my favorite has got to be the 9-layer red, white, and green candle I did last year. All fo's were from Mcsoy. I dont remember what order I layered them, but here there are:

    Butterscotch Brittle

    Chocolate Kisses

    Cinnamon Sticks

    Dutch Apple Pie

    Grated Nutmeg


    Candy Cane

    Pumpkin Spice

    Spicy Gingerbread

    I know it sounds gross and weird, but I had taken alot of time deciding on where layers(scents) needed to be, so it came out smelling OH SO YUMMY! I still have a pic of it on my computer.

  3. Thanks Chris! Time (and safety) is really of the essence now that my daughter started crawling last weekend. Dont have alot of time to spend on my projects lately:( . Now, if I could only get the rebatch soap delivered before the weekend (which is a long shot); I'd be very happy!

  4. Ok, so ive been thinking about doing CP for a long time now. Obviously, Im very concerned about working with lye (especially around my 11 month daughter), but yesterday I was doing some research (4 hours worth last night!) on HP soap. I got to thinking that it might be a better method for me because I can pretty much do everything after my daugher goes to bed w/o any interruptions. Then, after looking at the Brambleberry site, I saw that they had some rebatching soap. Would this be a decent thing to experiment with at first? I know its technically not as rewarding as DIY, but so far all ive done is M&P. Im wanting to make a castile soap for my daugher and was curious if I bought some of the castile rebatching soap from Brambleberry would be a good "substitute" for the real thing? Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated!!!

    Thanks so much,


  5. Ok, I want to make a whipped FBB concoction for my 11 month old daughter (who has eczema). What would be better for her dry skin; cocoa butter or shea butter? And, which oil; grapeseed, almond, or olive? Or, a combo of any of these?

    Im going to do it unscented and undyed to make it as gentle as possible. Any thoughts?

    TIA, Linaya

  6. I am also addicted to SW Be Delicious; I have tried the SOS version. IMHO, Im not too pleased with the SOS version. It smells pretty good; just ALOT weaker, KWIM? So, not too good for a candle, and its only O.K. in B&B (to me). Linaya

  7. I stayed away from the B&B section the first 3 months I was a member here. Got bored one day and started looking around at the B&B gallery, and fell head first into the infamous B&B world. So now, im officially addicted and cant stop making EVERYTHING!!! Ok, so I need helping figuring out where to order from to POSSIBLY save on shipping. If there is any one supplier that carries the following items, PLEASE tell me! By the way, I live in AZ , zip 85243 (if that makes a difference).

    I need:

    3-5 lbs. FBB

    16 oz Almond Oil

    Goats Milk M&P soap base (opaque, not clear)

    8 oz plastic jars and lids

    Im having the hardest time finding a supplier that carries all of that and is fairly close to me. Distance isnt as important as long as I can get everything from one place. Thanks in advance, Linaya!!!

  8. One of my favorite 3 layers is: Lemon Sugar, Pink Lemonade, and Key Lime Pie.

    Another great one I just did for another CT'er is a 5 layer (I call it Sherbert Cake):

    Bottom layer: White Cake

    Second layer: Kiwi

    Middle layer: White Cake

    Fourth layer: Watermelon

    Top layer: White Cake

    Also, A really good floral that is reminiscent of Hawaiian Florals is:




    Optional : add a smidge of Rose

    Or, you could layer a Blueberry FO and a coffe FO and call it Blueberry Coffee. I usually just mix equal amounts of those two FO's and make a single layer candle, but you could alternate the scents to layer it. YUMMY!

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