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Posts posted by Dee

  1. Quite often I only use .5 oz pp of PEAKS FO's particularly in pillars. Recently made some containers up (something I don't usually do). I used 1oz pp of Blackberry Sage in the containers and it din't turn out well like it does in my pillars. they were smoky smelling. Seems like a similar problem so after reading thi strand I'm going to try cutting back and see whta happens.

  2. Thanks for the information, Dick. Didn't notice any oilyness when I first got them. Its not really rust, but black pits. The finish is completely corroded. Funny, the lids are untouched and look like they are a completly different metal. Was thinking I should have taken them off before storing the bottoms. Still if I have to go through all of this, what happpens to them after I sell them?

  3. Took my four oz tins out this morning to pour some candles for an order. I left them with their lids on in the box they came in for about two months. They were in my garage. Every one of them (30) has some sort of corrosion on the inside rim (top and under). The lids are fine. This hasn't happened to any of my candle molds (all types) stored in the same place, so am quite upset. Last year I had rust on some after pouring and letting them sit, but this isn't the same. The finish is removed (pitted). Anyone else have this problem. They weren't like this when I got them. Will inform supplier, but it has totally put me off using tins.

  4. Don't know about palm wax, soy and parrafin combo but I know a lady who adds soy to paraffin just to make her pillar candles creamier looking. Don't know her formula, but I don't think its alot of soy. They are very pretty and seem to burn nicely. Asked her why she didn't buy the blends and she said she prefers to make up her own. I'm sure palm is ok because the steric I've been adding to paraffin is derrived from palm oil.

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