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Posts posted by Sweet68cam

  1. I also noticed that yank** is even selling their car fresheners in AutoZone now...lol Maybe the reason for the steady incline in sales is due to the fact that they have closed down those stores and now are not spending as much money for the overhead to have them open...I am sure that would save a little I guess...never know. All I can say is that I hope the reason for the fallen sales if that is in fact the case, then it is because of the little people like us moving in on their market..;)

  2. I set up mine with Create a shoppe they have 2 different monthly plans one about 10 dollars the other about 20 which has alot more features. The one that is 10 comes with already made webset templates that you can use and all you need to do is add your info and products. The other you have to build the webset yourself or buy a webset to use...but the guidelines are really simple and you can work on all of your site info from the admin area any time you want. I will pm you the link if you want it..dont know the rules about posting that stuff here. You can look at my site if you want so you can see what type of service it is. http://www.blazingwicks.com Let me know if you need any help.;) Amanda

    I forgot to add that you dont need any HTML experience at all, it is very easy DIY setup to use.

  3. I totally agree..the Tropical Fusion is to die for...its wonderful!!! And the Pear Vanilla is definatly yummy. I have not put these in soap, only wax but so far they are great oils. I plan on putting the Sea Salt Scrub in CP soap soon..cant wait to see how it comes out. The Vanilla Sugar is one of the strongest I have smelled from any supplier as of yet. And the Maple is dead on. I could go on and on..lol I will be posting my reviews once they are all tested in wax...definatly check out the site.;)

  4. I am not sure Garf has ever sold a candle. I don't think he is in it for the money, but for the fun of seeing what he can create. But he has come up with some very "interesting" things, LOL!

    Now thats the truth..lol Have not seen you around in a while Garf...good to see you are still at it, creating all those interesting candles;)

  5. I agree...this is a very nice thing to do. :) So this woman would not have to come up with any money...you could set it up that she would take orders from a catalog/brochure you gave her and would get the order money upfront from the customers she is selling to. She could then place the orders with you at a discounted rate and would pay you that amount (thus keeping the difference for herself). I have a few consultants (sales reps) that I do this with and I have them place their orders online and use a discount code. They do not have to come up with any money and can keep the difference as comission.

    If you would like to have me explain better...pm me. :)

    This is how I work it also. You also need to be sure and tell her that the income is her responsibility to pay taxes on as you do not do that. Anyone that sells for you will need to fill out a 1099 and be responsible for the taxes themselves...of course providing they make $600 or more per year. Also the way I do it is give a brochure so that they can get orders from and if they need more brochures it is their responsibility to make copies of it..also state that it can not be altered in any way. A real good way to bring it up is when she orders from you next time you could say "you know you have been a very loyal customer to me and I want to offer you a chance to make some money while also enjoying your own candles at a discount." Something like that maybe. Good luck whatever you decide to do..I hope it works out well for you! Take Care. Amanda;)

  6. I agree that both sides should be able to state their case..however I do think that this whole thing could have been avoided by Ron simply offering to send her another jar..even if he had her send the broken one back to him, but that is what I would expect out of good customer service...some opinions differ on that. As for the comments directed to grannyscandles, I totally agree that was over the line and not called for at all. If someone was all over your favorite supplier you would be right there defending them by commenting on how great you think they are. Just my opinion;)

  7. I am on the fence on if you should be upset about it because after all it was free..I would be more upset about my mom butting in and making the decisions about my business...lol I wonder if it had been a regular customer and not their daughter would they have told them when they said what they wanted that much lettering would not look good and that they would not do a photo cause there is not enough room? Honestly its up to you to even put it on your car, you have the option to say thank you and move on and leave it off...and I agree with you I would not drive around with toilertries on my car either...lol Maybe you will be pleasently surprised and it will look really good when you see it. Looking forward to seeing the pic of this.;)

  8. I use Eco Soya advanced for my containers. And ecosoya votive blend for votives, melts and tarts. The eco pillar blend needs a little beeswax to help with the cracking issue, but I use regular paraffin for my pillars since with soy you cant make certain things like chunkies and mottles and stuff like that.

  9. I am not sure about buying online vs. Sams, I guess you could figure up the cost from Sams for all you will need and then if you feel that is to high I would check around online and see if you can beat it even with shipping...I personally think the more you can get local the better. I mainly just wanted to tell you CONGRATS!!! That is awesome news I am so happy for you, I hope you sell sell sell!!! Have a great day!


  10. Sweet that post was over 6 month ago and she at that time said she had made candle for a couple of months.

    I would stay away from flee market but that is here where anything flee market is consider a cheap item.

    I would get together some samples and brochures and take them and drop them off instead of sending then about a week later go back and see how they liked them at that time have scent sniffies with you so they can actually smell what you have to offer.

    Oh ok...just making sure..was not meaning anything by it at all, just wondering I saw 6 posts so I thought maybe she was new to candle making. I agree stay away from flea markets people do expect cheap prices at those things and we all know candle making is NOT cheap..lol I think that your idea to send those items to different places along with your contact info is Great!! Lots of luck to you, I hope you do very well.;)

  11. Yep definatly a scammer. Look at these 2 e-mails that were sent to my business e-mail this morning..ya like any attorney will send that kind of information via a e-mail..lol Some people..lol

    Attn:My Good Friend.

    I am Thomas Cook of "Thomas Cook Attorneys" the personal Attorney to one Mr. Golden

    Graham who worked with the Shell-Petroleum Development Company(SPDC) in


    On the 14st of April 2002, my client, his wife and their two children

    were involved in a auto-crash in Edgware Road High Way.

    All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then I

    have made several enquires to their embassy to locate any of my clients

    extended relations but to no avail. Hence the need to get in touch

    with you as one who i can present to the Bank as the cousin/next of kin to my

    late client.

    I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and Property

    left behind by my client before they get Confiscated or declared

    unserviceable by the bank where this Huge deposits were lodge.Particularly,

    the finance company Where the deceased had an account valued at about

    $22.5 Million Dollars has issue me a notice to provide the next of

    kin of the deceased or have the account confiscated within a shot Period of time.

    Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 3 years

    now I seek your consent to present you as the Next of kin of the

    deceased, so that the proceeds of this Account valued at $22.5 million dollars

    can be paid to you and Then you and me can share the money. 60% to me and

    40% to You. I have all necessary legal documents that can be used To

    backup any claim we may make.

    All I require is your Honest cooperation to enable this deal through.

    I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate Arrangement

    that will protect you from any breach of the Law. Please get in touch with

    my email and send to me your Telephone and fax numbers to enable us

    further about this Transaction.

    Please send your reply to my personal email address thomascookmail1@excite.com

    Best regards,

    Thomas Cook

    +44 1216187148



    Dear Partner,Naturally,this letter will come to you as a surprise since we have not met,permit me however to introduce myself;I am Joseph Smith,a white Zimbabwean farmer,currently in hiding in Zimbabwe. I used to work in three tobacco farms in Chipinge,and I was also part owner of these farms which were owned by my late father. I am contacting you as the need to for me to have a foreign partner in your country has become necessary due to my plans to relocate to that country so that I can purchase some land and start farming all over again,as the present political instability in Zimbabwe,does not encourage financial investment as the environment is no longer conducive for farming investment and most of all,security is not guaranteed,just as reported by international media.

    This problem started when the Zimbabwean government under the leadership of President Robert Mugabe announced a decree on May 31st 2000 to seize more than 849 white-owned farms.During this period,as reported by international media and the CNN,more than 6 white farmers(including my father) were killed; the government is not stopping at this, as the government has already asked all white-farmers to give up their farms to black farmers or risk going to prison.So far,more than 1,400 white owned farms have been invaded and confiscated,as well as claiming the properties of the farmers. Also,about 133 white farmers arrested for defying the orders to leave their farms under the controversial land reform program of the government. Having lived in this country Zimbabwe for years,I have no other country to go to,therefore,I decided to contact you,for your assistance,so that I can divert my interest in Zimbabwe to a more stable country as yours. Also,I must re-iterate the importance of !

    having a citizen of your country to front for me,since i intend to purchase some land for farming,I do not know much about your land-ownership laws,I thought it wise to seek the help of a foreigner to act as proxy for me.For this purpose,I have put in a security deposit all monies from the sale of my farming equipment(including tractors etc) and also all financial profits.All these are a total of US$18.5million.I will upon receiving your consent prepare every document to enable you receive this money on my behalf,pending my arrival to meet with you in your country so that we can both make further arrangements with regards to the purchase of land.For your assistance to me,you will be entitled to a commission of 15% of the total sum that you will be receiving on my behalf for the above purpose.If you are interested and willing to assist me,you should please forward to me the following information so that I can reach you:




    I am waiting urgently for your response,while also requesting that you treat this matter in strict privacy.Cheers and God bless.

    I will give you more details when i hear from you.You can click on the link below to get a better understanding my situation and why i need to move out my money:


    Best Regards

    Joseph Smith.

  12. Hmmmm....still mulling this one over. Although I'm not offended by your opinions, I just disagree about the "situational" ethics of thinking it's NOT O.K. to copy certain parts of the text, but then it *is* OK to copy other parts. Just doesn't make sense to me ... to my way of thinking, either copying of any kind is wrong, or it isn't. :sad2:
    If this was directed to me...let me just first of all tell you that this is the first time I have even looked at this thread today...little antsy waiting on my reply arent ya. I detect a little attitude coming from you about this towards me and its uncalled for, I have every right to voice my opinion on this matter and thats all it is MY opinion. I am sorry if it is not the opinion you wanted. Yes you are right copying is wrong no matter which way you look at it, but do you have PROOF that she went to your site and actually copied your wording? I mean dang it is a description of Soy wax...you did not come up with it yourself, you did not create the charactistics of soy wax..I am sorry. This stuff is exactly the reason that I do not post on this board much anymore..to many people get upset when you dont agree with them and then it gets turned around on you. I posted in my post that I did not mean it to be offensive and if you took it that way I apologize that was not my intention. It is possible that it may have been copied beings how you said the Lemon Curd Soy candle description was...that, I would be more upset about. Sorry if you dont like my answers or opinions.
  13. I agree, Sweet ... only so many ways to say it. But do you not see that it's almost word for word? Same sentence order? Etc.? Do you really think this is pure coincidence?

    I just think it is unethical to copy people's content, and this, IMO, was obviously copied. I personally wouldn't be able to have a clear conscience knowing my "work" was not my own.

    I do see that it is almost word for word yes, and if you feel that it was copied then by all means feel that way, I am not saying that it was not, and no I do not agree with coping and pasting from someone else's website. I on the other hand would be more upset about the fact that your description for the Lemon Pound Cake soy candle was copied..because that kind of description is a description of your very own that you created...your soy description is not soley yours its all of our description of soy candles...and after all it is NOT your conscience that has to live with it, its hers IF she copied it. I can see why you are upset noone likes to be copied, I just feel like the soy description is walking a fine line on being copied...because she could change the order of the sentences and it wont be word for word but it will still say the same thing no matter what order it is in. My soy description is pretty much the same as yours also..different wording order but same message none the less.

  14. Wow, hate to have to bump this thread back up, but now it seems Whispering Pines (tootie04's site) has "borrowed" inspiration from mine. This is cut and pasted from both our sites from the soy candle pages.

    MY text from my website (couple years old):

    Soy wax is a natural, renewable resource and is made from American-grown soybeans. It's also non-toxic, clean burning, and features easy soap and water clean up. Wick is made from cotton. Soy candles burn for an average of 55-60 hours ...

    Copy from Whispering Pines website (made just recently in '06):

    Soy wax is a natural, renewable resource and is made from American grown soybeans. It is non-toxic, clean burning (no soot) and features easy soap and water clean up. The wicks are made with cotton. This candle will burn an average of 80-100 hrs ...

    The text was copied almost word for word from my website. I guess I kinda thought that after the uproar of thread, this sort of thing would stop. :sad2:

    hummmm...not sure what to say about this as I dont want to offend..but there are not to many ways you can explain the benefits of soy wax. I use a very similar explanation of mine and I didnt copy it from anyone. I would not be upset about an explination of soy wax benefits as they are the same for everyone so all soy wax sites are going to have the pretty much the same explination of its benefits. I would be more upset if it were a copy of your product descriptions or your welcome message...thats just my opinion though...not trying to offend.;)
  15. I have never ordered from Scent Wizard, but have ordered from Scent It. I had heard some things about their shipping not being very reliable (after I had already bought from them online..lol) But I did get my scents in about 2 weeks thank goodness. I would say that the scents are OK. I do think though that with the time it takes for shipment and all that for the most part you can get most of their scents at other places a little more reliable. Apparently the owner was having health problems and some complained that they never recieved their scents at all...so its up to you if you want to take the chance. I got mine so who knows..lol Hope that helps a little!;)

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