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Posts posted by Sweet68cam

  1. I found this online today and thought that it was a pretty cute idea so I thought I would share..I am including the instructions and a photo of some soap finished. :D


    What you’ll need to make photo imbedded soap:

    1. Soap mold - Individual rectangular or rounded molds work best.
    2. Some Clear, transparent Glycerin soap.
    3. A heat-resistant glass container to melt the soap, preferably with a pouring spout.
    4. Soap colorant.
    5. Soap fragrance – This is optional but a nice touch.
    6. Wooden mixing spoon or chopsticks.
    7. Rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle.


    • Choose the photographs you’d like to use, cut them a little smaller than the soap mold(s) you plan to use, and laminate them.
    • Break the soap base into small pieces for quick and easy melting.
    • Place about 1 cup of the soap pieces into your glass container and microwave for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Do not let the soap boil!
    • Stir lightly to melt any remaining solid pieces. Note: If you stir vigorously, you’ll end up with soap full of air bubbles. This is the single, most important thing to remember if you want professional-looking soaps.
    • An alternate method, which I prefer since it seems to cut down on bubbles, is to place the glass container inside a pot of water on the stove. Bring the water to a boil and then reduce the heat to low, stirring the soap occasionally as it melts. Once melted, remove from pot and let sit for a minute until it cools slightly and a film forms. Remove the film gently with a chopstick before proceding to pour into the mold.
    • Add no coloring or scent to this first batch (some scents can change the color.)
    • Pour this clear soap mixture into the bottom ¼ to 1/3 of each mold.
    • Let solidify a few minutes.
    • Spray the surface of the soap with rubbing alcohol (to melt away any bubbles and help with adhesion) and immediately place your laminated photographs (picture side down) on top of the soap.
    • Repeat the above steps to make a colored layer of soap for the photo background. I like to add a very thin second clear layer before adding my colored layer to make the photo appear to be floating.
    • When the soap is melted, add a colorant.
    • Add fragrance.
    • spray the existing, clear soap and photograph with rubbing alcohol.
    • Pour the colored soap mixture on top of the original layer and photo.
    • Let harden completely before removing from the mold.
    • You may place the soap molds in the refrigerator to speed set.

    Play around with various color combinations and opaque versus translucent backgrounds. Once you get the hang of it, you can even embed cut pieces of colorful soaps inside your background soap. Another trick is to use several small photos and imbed them at different depths with several layers of clear soap.

  2. Here is a couple ideas they need work so not exactly like this but maybe you could try something sorta like it...I am assuming here that you want it black and white..if you want color that would be alot funner and easier to work with..lol This will just throw you an idea or whatever its ok if you dont like them just playing around with it real quick.;)



  3. After thinking about it all night, I think im having an issue deermining whats the truth and whats not when I do my research. Some of you say that you dont believe gov't sites and I cant say I disagree with you. But how do you desipher whats true or not when researching.:undecided Are there a few things to look out for? Are there certain organizations that I shoule be looking up? I put that stuff of my site because after searching I was led to believe that it was true. If I didnt believe it, I sure as heck would not have put it on there.

    I dont want to use this as a excuse but im only 23, so I dont have to knowledge or experiance you all have with researching, deterimining right from wrong etc. And to top it all off, Im quite nieve (sp?) I will believe just about anything. :o

    Bella I am not sure about gov sites, I think that there is truth in some of what they say but maybe not all and thats a maybe..lol But I do belive in OSHA they are pretty strict my husband deals with them alot, we have an oil refinery and a carbon black plant here in our town and they come down on them and their tests and restrictions are pretty strict. In all honesty here I would just try not to word anything that you could be liable for later, there are tons and tons of informational sites out there all of which could be true or not true, instead of doing the research on each of them my advice would be to just explain the benefits of YOUR candles not what everyone else says about soy if your candles burn good all the way down and are highly scented I would state that. I do not have a page on my site about the benefits of soy I did not feel the need for it, I explain my products and move on there really is no need to feed out any more info about soy or paraffin in my opinion. If you wanted to state something about the soot thats up to you but a known fact is both paraffin and soy soot so I would be honest about it and say leaves no black soot on the jar and leave it at that. Because that in fact is true (soot is white and you cant see it) But its not black so that would not be a lie. Just make sure you state no black soot on the jar not just no soot on the jar. I think that you are thinking about this to much and overwhelming yourself with it all, its just much simpler to state that facts about your own candles--how they burn and smell then the whole "soy" spill in my opinion. Dont worry you will get it;)
  4. Ok I was going to stay out of this cause I dont like to post much on these kinds of threads, I just wanted to say that I have made both types of candles and they both have their benefits and their flaws, personally I do not believe that there is a "best" wax to use weather it be soy or paraffin, fact is people have used paraffin FOREVER and if the claims were true about the dangers of paraffin dont you think we would see more headlines that state..." Another human lost their life today for buring a paraffin candle":rolleyes2 Funny how paraffin wax was not an issue until they came out with soy now they are dangerous....whatever. The fact is soy wax does not grow on a tree it is refined also, and it is a fact that ANY thing that has a flame puts off some sort of emmision into the air, not just paraffin candles, soy does too and another fact that I found out in my research between the two wax's is that soy does soot, its just a white smoke and you cant see it as to where paraffin is black, dont know the exact fact on that but if you look closely when burning your candle you can see it, I have seen it so that part is a fact. I do honestly believe that some of the soy makers use all the ploys they can to sell the candles. And this is NOT coming from a person who makes paraffin, I am currently using soy myself and am in the middle of switching back so my opinion is not one sided on this issue. But because I dont think there is anything wrong with paraffin I dont even have an About Soy or a Why soy section on my site. I just think that its wrong to promote your candles as a "healthier" candle or a 100% soy candle once you add fo its not 100% anymore, also there are additives put into soy when its refined that take away that 100% factor too I believe. Lets face it if soy did not exist everyone would be making the paraffin candles and selling the crap out of them and not trying to bash them. Way I see it is...hummmmmm paraffin candles have been around for hundreds of years and they are not going anywhere. This whole soy/paraffin thing is getting old.:rolleyes2

  5. I am registered with ours, its been great, I personally think its well worth the money. Ours alot buys candles wholesale from me and has them in their showroom for sale and also includes them in all the gift baskets that they make so I made back my yearly fee with them when they made their first order..it was awesome..lol I think it would be great to register with them you never know what will come of it;)

  6. Not Malinda but I have to say.....Oh those are too cute!!! What about polo sport maybe? Or some sort of guy scent anyways...thats a hard one Scented..lol I would think anything that would smell like candy would be good too..l have no idea..lol Sorry not much help at all..lol;)

  7. Was this CP soap? If so I would think that yes it has cured long enough and should be perfectly fine for use now. Also about the ingredients, I would list them just to be safe..however I do know that if you are marketing your soap as a HAND SOAP only then ingredients do not have to be listed. I would just to be on the safe side anyways. I am sure the teacher will love the gift;)

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