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Posts posted by Sweet68cam

  1. I can see the resemblence in them for sure. I also could have sworn that I have seen 2 other logos on this site that look very very very similar made by the same person for 2 different people, one was recent the other kinda old but very close in design and upon looking for them to compare I noticed more that were similar maybe had the same graphic elements but in my opinion if I am paying for something from some one I would expect an original logo that does not even have the same graphics as someone else's..not trying to start anything just stating my opinion on it. Hope that you get this worked out.;)

  2. Purty! Can you tell me what type of mold and a bit on your swirl technique?

    Man, I gotta get the swirl thing down. I keep telling myself to first get a recipe I like then work on the swirls, but it's KILLING me!

    Thanks, I used a wood log mold that hubby made for me and just did the basic swirl in the bowl technique..nothing special..still working on those swirls myself:grin2:
  3. Thanks all I appreciate the nice comments. For those wondering about the smell of oak moss to me it sorta smells like an older mans cologne..you know how we have an "older ladys" perfume..its like that to me but older mans...if that makes sense..lol I just dont care for it..lol Hubby even said that it reminded him of his grandpa which is probably why he likes it and thats nice so I will live with it..lol:grin2:

  4. Wintergreen is hard to explain its not so much minty I dont think its just very very clean and invigorating IMO. I do however think that those 3 scents together will definatly smell fantastic and be very energizing to say the least..lol:grin2:

  5. I dont know how much help I will be as I dont explain things well...but its sorta in the catagory of your peppermints and spearimints..have you ever had wrigly's wintergreen gum? It smells like that if you have..lol Its very clean and minty..smells awesome in my opinion!:D

  6. Those are all so pretty. I thought that the wavy soaps had come from a mold they look so perfect. I'm sure the smell great too!
    I do have a mold that does that on the sides but spreads them more apart than that..I did those with the cutter to even them out..they came out a little smaller then I would have liked though..lol Oh well practice practice..lol

    Thanks everyone for the nice comments. Hopefully will get what I am wanting soon in size and all;)

  7. Thought I would post some of my newest. I made some Water Blossom Ivy yesterday, took it out of the mold and it does not look like I wanted it to, still needs cleaned up and trimmed, I am also not liking the size and shape of the bars it made in my new mold either..so guess I am back to something else with that (Its the green soap..lol)

    Anyways, here are 3 others from left to right, Polo Sport, Black Raspberry Vanilla, & Chai Tea...back to soapin for me, I think I am gonna go make some more..lol Thanks for lookin. ;)



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