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Everything posted by George

  1. Thanks, I ordered a few lighter oils to mix in.
  2. There is several oils that can be used. One question though. What is so bad with the general veggie oils such corn,safflower,vegetable etc. Is Olive Oil and the like so much better and if so why? Thanks
  3. That is like comparing Lexus with a Yugo. You need to double wick the c-3 in any large container in most cases, The ECO- Throws about 6" away from the jar. LOL, Ok, that was the ADVANCED ECOSOYA, could not tell you about the regular eco. If you want to one wick everything, Use Para...
  4. Never thought of that. It was a poor seller for me. Was very strong. Renamed it something funny and it sold better.
  5. I Think you should mix Lavender and Orange. That will confuse many.
  6. Every local area is different and so are the buyers that find you. There is no answer other then the basic few and then the several categories being covered. Not sure how much spice will sell in the spring and summer.:embarasse
  7. # Screw the 24 oz jar, just use the 16, etc. and GO BEARS!
  8. Why dont you use that soap you make to wash out that trailor trash mouth of yours first? I gave you the easy answer to the pathetic sage question, what else do you want?
  9. Is $26.00 a Gallon a good price? Thanks
  10. The big momma 30 qt. I have 3 prestos, getting too busy for them.
  11. No, not a big pot. The pot, spout on the bottom with a thermostat.
  12. Hamilton Beach? I think someone said they had the best one? I checked around but only found a propane one.
  13. Thanks, 80/20 should work also I hope... Still have to get some USA and see what that does also.
  14. I also wonder if USA helps this issue also? I have made some calls and should have some answers and excuses soon.
  15. Based on Ng's description, they are alot different.
  16. Wedding day and Liz's White Diamonds? If not, which one do you like better?
  17. Just do the white colors in Frosted.
  18. It is not coated, the coated one is 3x the price?
  19. Havent tried the other, but Peaks is what it should be and stick with that.
  20. I am not talking about the caramel brown which is light or med, DARK. I got the medium down, Added more black and got. DRUM ROLL............................................ARMY GREEN SOUP? YUCK!
  21. This is usally due to 2 wicks, and the 2 wicks you are burning are burning too hot.
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