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Posts posted by KristinesShower

  1. If I could figure out how to do things, it would be alot easier and yes I have too much time on my hands these days LOL

    When you buy them in bulk you save quite a few $$$ - I agree, I can't afford giving away $3 items! These are just little things I put in orders or if I am doing a promo package with someone, I will send them over too.

    I recently did a swag bag with every order this week when I rolled out my Bubblistic line. I teamed up with a couple of vendors that I thought my customers would enjoy shopping with. They sent me things like business cards, coupons, samples, buttons, jewelry, etc and I would put them all into this "swag bag" and into every order they went. (the bags were pretty big too - like a pound!)

    I think helping each other out is a real good idea and even though alot of the companies I had in the bags were soap and candle places, I didn't mind because we are so different. Like comparing apples to oranges :)

    Ok, I am going to work on those pics today as soon as I get caught up with all my emails.

  2. I just picked up some real nice buttons, pocket mirrors, magnets and notepads off etsy & I thought I would share my stash and my suppliers.

    I just joined etsy and I am very happy to be doing business with people like me that have home businesses & I am very happy with their services - very professional and quick - oh and soooo damn cute!!! LOL

    1" buttons itscute.etsy.com

    2½" pocket mirrors collegemoney.etsy.com

    1" magnets collegemoney.etsy.com

    Little notepads thisandthat.etsy.com

    All personalized with my company information on them - and they are to die for. Here is a pic of one of the buttons (this is the actual graphic on everything)


    I decided on the second one, but this lady was so very nice - I changed my mind 10 times - no kidding & she put up with me every step of the way.

    Awesome pricing too - she worked up a nice bulk deal for me!

    College money did my pocket mirrors and magnets, then she sent me little samples of other things like key chains and bigger buttons for free :) ( I can't get the picture to shrink down, but if you want to see them, email me and I will send you the big honkin picture lol)

    More pics of the notepads (mine are customized)


    When you buy Indie you are helping all of us! :D

  3. Oh I do believe this has surpassed the blame game girls.

    You have one person working for you saying:

    Smelly used the support ticket system at 1:04pm, I responded immediately

    But she actually posted 23 minutes BEFORE Smelly used the support ticket system telling all of us:

    As responded to on your support desk issue, it is actually your domain name that has expired.

    Then YOU (the owner) come on here saying things like:

    She also had the chance to post on the DIY Client Community. Why she choose to come here and post, I don't have a clue. This is not our community and up until that day I had never even heard of this message board.

    What the hell is the difference WHERE she posts and why is this even being brought into the discussion?

    Oh, this is my favorite:

    As stated, had she put in a support ticket that morning instead of emailing me directly, she would of had a reply probably right away and none of this whole mess would of even been started!

    Yeah Smelly - what were you thinking!!??

    Didn't you KNOW this was the way it was done??? Oh...you didn't...oh, that's why you came here looking for help...why? because you couldn't get an answer from them...oh, I see ...


    This one tops the list:

    I am sure that candle tech doesn't want nor need all of this here on their community when it has nothing to do with their website.

    Doubt it - this thread has opened MANY eyes.

  4. I ship to Romania - this is my only overseas wholesale order because they are the only ones to adhere to my minimums. I make them buy at least $500.00 or more and they pay all the shipping.

    Hey, I figure if they are gonna pay it may as well ship to 'em.

    I only use USPS for shipping and all their information is right on the site. You can fill out everything as you go and they will print out the forms you need to fill out at the end. Pretty easy, but very time consuming!

  5. Oh and I would like to add, I've never said smelly was to blame. I said my personal opinion was a good portion of the blame should be put on Yahoo because THEY failed to contact her and let her know of the expiration.

    You didn't have to "say" it - you all implied it - every one of you did.

    In your personal opinion who was to blame for the other portion if yahoo was to blame for a "good portion" and none of it was you guy's fault.

    You see where I am going here??? You understand the frustration??

    Hell, I don't even do business with you guys and I already have a terrible taste in my mouth for your company :P

  6. So please, do not say we did not respond to her. My knowledge of the situation occurred when I saw the support ticket and within a total of 20 minutes of seeing that support ticket I had an answer as to what the problem was.

    This is what has me confused about the whole situation.

    She came on here to get advice how to get ahold of you because she hadn't heard anything in 6 hours of emailing you or putting in a complaint ticket whatever.

    So you are pretty much telling us that Smelly is a liar right?

  7. Hey Granny - separating those into catagories is a GREAT idea IMHO! Make sure you have alot of apple stuff on hand, because if your guests are anything like my customers, they love apple :)

    I would suggest maybe a Pink Sugar (since that seems to be a real popular one) and have you considered some dupes? www.naturesgardencandles.com has a whole page of dupes that you can check out and I know they do smaller sizes so you don't have to commit to a pound of each.

    Good luck with your show :)

  8. I have been working with a labeling company trying to get my labels and hang tags done. I am sorta leaving it up to them to design my logo.

    My advice to you is to get an "idea" of what you want and then give them a bunch of pictures to work with.

    When we did our label, I showed the woman 3 fonts I liked & many many pictures along with color swatches. That is how we came up with our label.

    If you leave them to their own devices, they will never get it right - BELIEVE me - or you will get a bunch who think you SHOULD do it this way or SHOULD do it that way... (see my rant for details lol)

  9. You know, I also wanted to say that there are many older members there that will reminisce about when they either made soap or when their mother or grandmother did & you will get alot of audience participation.

    I think out of all the speaking I did, that one had to be the most satisfying experience I ever had. Everyone was so full of questions - it was great (and I love to talk about my business alot anyway!)

  10. Bottom line - home business or regular business

    You should have a working phone number for someone to get ahold of you. Help desk or FAQ's, support tickets or whatever - people STILL need that person to talk to, even just for comfort.

    If you are so "backed up" and receive "100's of emails a day" - you need to hire someone to help you.

    I'm sorry, I just don't see the logical side of these explanations & I'm not saying them to be disrespectful either.

    So far on this thread THREE of you have spoken up to blame yahoo - why did NONE of you contact poor Smelly to let her know? Instead you come on the forum and pretty much say - Hey Smelly, not our fault - why don't you pay your bill ya big dummy?

    ...and damn YOU too Yahoo!

    edited to say - Sorry, if you have a home business phone calls from telemarketers, crazies and nutbars are something you have to deal with on a regular basis. If you can't, then maybe you are in the wrong business.

  11. I think I would say to study up on every aspect of candlemaking because candlemakers put alot of stock into their suppliers. They hope they test what they sell, try everything, can give you advice when you need it - pretty much be a candlemaker yourself KWIM?

    That is the way I do my business anyway. I like to go with trusted suppliers that can really help you if you are in a jam.

    Maybe there could be a way to talk to trusted suppliers in the US to help you get started overseas?

  12. I just did this last year. It was nice, everyone hung on my every word and no one left early (which I guess was a big deal according to the waitresses - they told me to not "get discouraged" if some of them left early)

    I did a 45 minute talk about my business and my methods of soapmaking, candlemaking, b&b making. I brought tons of samples for everyone to try and gave them all little samples of product to try out when they went home.

    After that, we had quite a few orders come in from the rotary - mostly individuals looking for 10 of this and 20 of that for functions and favors they needed.

    I still have customers to this day from the rotary that call and need all kinds of things for functions - very good idea in my opinion.

    PS - I remember just this year we were asked to provide little goody bags for the universal rotary party that had all kinds of members throughout the world. The only thing I remember getting from that was a thank you card though lol

  13. I get a ton of people into my space because of the colorfulness of the bathbombs - it draws them in like crazy & nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd.

    Also if I am ever doing an outside show and it is hot, raining, etc - people usually take shelter for a little bit and the longer they are "inside" the longer I can get them to look and maybe buy.

    I like to set it up like a shop and invite them to come in or not - I don't push it.

    edited to add -> I also like to do sugar scrub demos and wouldn't have any room if we did it the other way. That is when they all come into the booth and crowd around because I talk so loud, make a big deal about it and repeat everything the customer says lol (I'm a little bit of a ham when it comes to attention lol)

    Wow, now I miss shows - dammit you guys!!

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