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Posts posted by SparkysCandles

  1. I started out making candles just as a hobby. Something to do in my spare time. I didn't get it at first. My candles failed miserably. Sink holes, wicks that did not perform AT ALL.And so on. I almost gave up. But I continued to research, bought some books, researched better supplies and started giving my candles to friends and family who came back with wonderful comments. My candles still needed a lot of tweeking. I worked full time at WalMart in the meantime. And then it just grew from there. Even now I probably could take one of my candles and tweek it some more ( different wick, container, FO) and get a whole new candle. That's part of the addiction. The other part, offering candles that retail store don't have. let's face it. There are thousands of scents and variations that aren't offered at retail store or if they are the candles are over priced. So I opened a business. It's a side business for now. I have a website and small shop. Just paid for advertising in our local paper, Maybe one day before I'm too old to remember what i was doing at any given minute, it will turn in to full time. One very important thing I learned is... do not ever think this is a "cheap" investment. It's not. I took out a business loan well over $1000 just for supplies, advertising and the shop. And that money is strictly for candles. if I didn't have it there would be no shop. So I guess I am lucky I was this dedicated. Keep it up though. You'll get there. I am to the point now if I'm not making candles, or other scented goodies I am bored to death! Good Luck

  2. So I decided 2 weeks ago to "sample" some other Chandler's products. I bought tarts. They came in this morning and I must say. My oh my do I have my work cut out for me! LOL.. There were 3 that... well... I'm in heaven and excited to try and create scents that smell this great.

    These were the scents that I am so over impressed with I don't know what else to say.

    Blackberry & Cream Coffee Cake

    Pumpkin Pecan Caramel Cheesecake

    White Chocolate Maple Sugar Cookie.

    Does anyone here also "create" their own scents rather than "rename" a FO they purchased? As I am on this forum I am brainstorming in my head! LOL

  3. I have my own website and just rented a small "shop" (Luckily my hubby is a painter and the owner took off lots of rent in trade for painting the building inside and out) Now we're just pouring candles and building inventory. I plan to grow the business. Before I decided to open up shop again I did some research around Spokane to see if there were other candle businesses out here and if so were their products like mine. There are a couple ladies here but they don't offer what I make. I already have orders so all is good.... for now. I'd like this to turn in to my full time job but we all know that is a fantasy for most. I'm not quitting my day job, yet, LOL. I figure my profit is at a good rate. I have it where if I need to adjust it I can without much impact. I just loved the look on my hub's face though when he saw what it was compared to what he thought it was.

  4. I might be weird but I love IGI1343 for pillars. They marble the best for me. I agree, A pillar should maintain some decentcy (is that a word) to it's form as it burns down. My mom likes to peel or poke off the wax as the candle burns and it drove me nuts! *faint* You shouldn't have to do that.

  5. A lot of making candles has to do with testing. TEST TEST TEST. A FO that works for me may not work for you. Therefor all the FOs I use have been tested and I choose from there. You are correct, there are a lot of variations. I try to limited myself by deciding just how many different "apple" scents I should offer, which at the moment is just one. Or how many different variations of vanilla should I have, it's simple for me... 2... vanilla and french vanilla. Utilize your nose. If two different scents smell the same, throw out "almost" the same exact scent, then you probably only need one or the other, not both. I agree with ChefMom, do not overwhelm yourself by trying all 20 variations of apple out there. That's too time consuming. try 2 or 3 that sound appealing from you and go from there. Sooner or later you will find a supplier that you are overall happy with most of their FOs. Thats a good place to start,

  6. Depends on which supplies you are talking about. I have 3 different companies that I order my FOs from. I might like one FO from one company but not the other, or one may not throw scent the way another does. You just gotta find your groove. Things like wicks or jars I buy from whoever has the better pricce, but most are just about the same.

  7. I know people make other things besides candles like wax dipped toilet paper and wax dipped bears. what else do ya all make? Just curious. I make wax dipped pine cones. Here in Eastern Washington we have some HUGE pine cones. I dip them in scented paraffin and then sprinkle glitter on them. People seem to love these things.

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