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Posts posted by SparkysCandles

  1. I agree. I was using soy from one supplier and could not get a throw so i started using vybar. I only use it with that soy. I have noticed if I don't add any additives to my CB3, its burns smoother and softer. A smaller wick works so much better than a larger. You might want to try using no additives, if you are using soy, and see how that works. When I first started someone taught me that if you gradually build your candle you will find your groove and maybe less (additives) s more,

  2. I agree with the CD10 or CD12. I use a CD10 in my jars and they are 3" wide. When I was testing all the time I would always start out low. If that didn't work I would go high, then alternate back down to the next lowest up. For example I started out with a CD8, (too small) so i would go up to CD16 (too big) the next I would test was a CD10... and so on. Not sure why I did it that way. I would agree with a CD10 or CD12. Good Luck.

  3. I talked to someone a long time about soy vs. paraffin and they told me the same thing. That although the SOY wax itself is a natural product, it burns not much different then paraffin because the FOs you put in your wax are not 100% natural. Unless you are a magician and are able to create an all natural FO, which is not possible. Therefor at some point the candle will produce soot. We just try tour best to create the perfect combination that reduces that. There is a market for soy and that's why I do both. I have contemplating going to only paraffin or doing a blend. Soy is a big headache sometimes. I guess those that succeed with it are the lucky ones. LOL.

  4. So I shouldn't panic if there is wax left on the jar after the first burn????

    I never panic until the candle has burned all the way down and even then I don't panic. I just tweek the "formula" again and go from there. Hookiebear you are new to this. You still have many, many hours of testing. That's part of the fun.

  5. The flame looks fine to me. The H-up on the jar looks like it is melting just fine. I worry when it look like it's not melting at all. I don't see any mushrooms (I HATE THOSE THINGS!) on your wicks. I don't see any issues. I know people panic when they see h-up on the jar while the candle burns, I don't panic unless there is h-up once the candle burns through to the bottom. Good Job Chandler!!! :grin2:

  6. Yes it's worth it. LOL, I just don't have much time for a visit. Going this weekend. Quicj trip over the cascade mountains. They counted how many I had over there, over 50 bottle of FO, plus other stuff like wicks, dyes, molds, containers, so it's definitely worth the trip. I figured it out to be about $800 in supplies and only 100-150 in gas to get them. yay!

  7. For me... if it's pillar wax I immediately pour excess wax in to tart molds. If it's container I pour it in to a pie pan lined with aluminum foil, let .it cool and peel from foil. Then I put that in a ziploc bag. On the bag I write the wax type, FO and from what company, amount of dye if any, pouring temp, additives f any, and put it in a storage tub. I am a very organized and clean chandler....

  8. I asked her that, if this was all about me visiting I would do my best but I work 6 days out of 7 and that times was limited, even more so now that I'm doing candles again. She just keeps saying there are too many boxes are in the way. I called again today, after she told me last week she would try to get to it today, and still nothing. Oh well. Guess I'll just take it at a loss and start over. Parents some times, lol,

  9. I have candle supplies just sitting at my mom's. When I moved from Western Washington to Spokane I couldn't fit everything in my car and had to leave stuff behind. My candle supplies were among those left. I have been asking my mom for weeks to go through the two (JUST TWO) boxes of my supplies. All I needed to know was what FOs I have, all them I have over there are 16 oz. each (so I don't order multiple) wicks and liquid dyes. I even offered her money for her troubles to go it I'm not asking my mom to drop everything at the moment. Just maybe on her day off take a hour or so and write some down then I would pay her to ship them to me. There are no candle supply companies here in Spokane and the drive back over the mountains is an 8 hour drive. One way. That's a lot of driving. WHAT DO I DO????

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