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Posts posted by SparkysCandles

  1. After yet another disaster with Soy, my hubby and I have decided to ditch the wax with an attitude and stay with paraffin. 4630 mainly for containers and I love 1343 for pillars. You can do more with "P" it seems as someone requested a marbled soy jelly jar and after 3 hours of pure frustration, I got somewhat of a marble effect. Plus we can get paraffin cheaper where we are.... just made some marbles and chunks and it took less than an hour.

  2. Stop stressin'! Your candle is fine You could have the perfect wick/wax/Fo combination and your flame will still dance because as previously stated as the candle burns down in to the jar the lack of oxygen will make the flame flicker, dance, throb. As long as you don't have a mushroom at the end of the wick or the flame is not so tall it looks like a smoke stack from a mill, it's fine. For my own personal preference when I test my jars, I don't make any assumptions until the candle has burned all the way down. I have a check list I go through. 1.) is there soot even the slightest on the jar - no- Good. 2.) Has the wick shroomed at all during the burn - no - Good. 3.) Is there any hangup left on the jar - no - Good. 4.) HT - Good 5.) is the jar hot to the touch - no - good.

    That's bascially what you need to be looking for. The actual flame should be the least of your worries. Some people find a dancing flame relaxing and calming.

  3. I tap my jars on the table once or twice as well. You're right, it does comes down to personal preference. As I am sure you have already heard on here a lot, what works for me may not work for you. I may have a routine in pouring a candle that is totally opposite of what you do but our candles will burn just about the same. I talk to my candles too. LOL. Tell them when they are misbehaving or how pretty they are. LOL

  4. I use soy and I pour at the slushy stage (100-125) and I always poke holes just like you said, better safe than sorry. I may not need to, but because candles can't tell you how they feel (LOL) and you can't see through soy to see if there is a air pocket, I always do. How horrible it would be if a customer said their candle tunneled or put itself out because there was a big gapping hole in the middle.

  5. I actually don't make a judgement on my test burns until the 3rd or 4th burn. Unless the 1st burn is just totally horrible. I am currently testing a candle right now on a first burn. I am a little over 2 & 1/2 hours in. The flame "bounced" a little but not enough to worry about. I cracked the screen on my smartphone otherwise I would make a video and show you, Continue to test. And something to keep in mind.... I learned years ago you can do everything in your power to get an even burning smooth flame but if the person who purchases the candle does not practice "safe candle burning" ( trim wicks, 4 hour burn and so on) the flame is going to act up. You need to do your part but your customer needs to do theirs as well.

  6. Just for experiment purposes I made a candle a couple of days ago. I used Peak's Pink Sugar and no additives. Just 2 drops of dye. That's it. Even though I have today and tomorrow off from work I got up at 5AM to test this baby because I was so excited. It's been almost a hour, the melt pool is almost an inch, and the scent throw is AMAZING! No flame dancing, no soot, flame is just the right size. I will post a pic here in a bit. I am definitely addicted to Pink Sugar.

  7. Sometimes I wonder if those that work with soy and get frustrated with their candle bc it has no scent throw are testing their candles too soon. I used to get soooooo mad bc I wasn't getting a throw. I would always test my candles the next day and nothing. When I went over to get my stuff there were some candles I made 3 years ago that I wasn't happy with the HT. I am burning one now and the HT is awesome. Soy needs time to cure. Patience is a virtue they say! Any thoughts?

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