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My first (and last) art fair! *short video included*


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I am a hobbyist. I make and melt for myself and share extras (and scents I do not like) with others. I do not have a wax business.

The corporation where I work is VERY creative. We have about 4,000 people in my buildings alone. Tons of writers, artists, photographers, painters, sculptors, etc. I am a business person who happens to work in the Creative Division so I was invited to participate in a free art fair to allow our creative individuals to highlight businesses and hobbies they have. It was open to the public, this is the third year and 3,000 people came. The company paid for everything-no fees for us at all. They covered all advertising, tents, booths and even provided us a nice boxed lunch and bottled water. It was a beautiful day. Upper 70's and sunny.

Although I did not add music, I followed jackbenimble's lead and made a short video (not as nice as his and no music).

I sold only melts in bags of 4.

I made a ton in 10 "featured scents" and for those I provided sniff jars. The other baskets held various scents by category. Some I made half or quarter batches of so I may have just had 2-6 bags of.

Here are things I learned:

I enjoyed doing this but am happy to be back "out of business". I had spreadsheets, a timeline and I am too Type A/OCD to do it more than this once!

LOTS of people in my area must have no idea about melting wax. I brought (on crates to the left of where the video cut off) a Scentsy warmer, a combo plate/dish warmer and a plain white candle warmer (the $6 one from CandleWarmers). I am glad I did. I explained how my "candles" worked 1,000 times. I could have sold as many warmers.

I actually sold as much to people who had no idea what this was but they were leaving and going to WalMart, Hobby Lobby, Bed, Bath and Beyond and across the street to our Hallmark store to buy one as I did to people who knew what to do with them.

People came over and insisted that they LOVED smelling my "soaps". Then the explanation started again...

I sold a ton but the problem is that I took 2 tons! I made almost 700 bags of melts. I have since had fun putting together goodie bags for some young ladies at my church who stay home to work with their children. Many melt but on one income, young, just starting out and with small children wax is not high on the buy list. Some are coming by to buy (these will be cheap!) for Christmas gifts now that they have starting warming what I gave them this morning.

I am glad that I took 2 pair of shoes. I changed later in the day. My chair was wasted. I was up, talking with people and on my feet from 8-5:30 when I was packed up and headed home.

I got a lot of compliments on my booth (quilts for tablecloths, vintage wire baskets, crates) and on my packaging. That was nice. It was stuff from my lodge/cabin/cottage decorated home. That was nice to hear!

I had countless people ask if they could buy my scent jars. Or asking what you did with them. Puzzling. Became amusing. I was going to use scent beads or rice in the jars but I worried if small children came up and I was busy with someone else that they would eat the contents since some scents were Sugar Cookie and Cupcake. I had a few children who immediately grabbed the jars so my maternal/grandma instincts were correct. So, I used cotton balls. Did not look lovely but accomplished what I wanted.

It does not matter how many times you tell people to sniff the tops of bags they will still sniff the bottom.

I took $100 in 1's and 5's. That was too much. I now have like $200 just in 1's to take to the bank!

The coffee bean jars I made were used by just 3-4 people.

I took too much of everything. props, supplies and such. Of course had I not, I would have needed them. My 6' table filled up fast!

Anyway-here is the quick video:

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In my rambling, I forgot to share scent detail.

At work and with friends, I cannot give away Laundry scents. One of my favorite categories. So, I made much less. It was gone by noon. Go figure.

Amish Harvest (Peak) was my next best seller. The sweets-Toasted Marshmallow (RE), Cupcake (Peak Birthday Cake) and Sugar Cookie (Peak) are the three I have the most remaining. I heard "too sweet" a lot.

Contrary to what some friends who are HEAVY users told me (they insisted I have scents jars for everything I took!), the random scents tossed in the bin and category labeled sold through better than those for which I had scent jars.

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Wow! Your display was soooo cute! Everything was so neat and organized. I think you did a wonderful job:-)

Don't judge this time as the way it will always go. It does get a bit easier. In the way you start to know how your customers will behave and such. I have still not figured it out but I'm close. Haha!

You might try and have a simple plastic frame with an explanation of your melts and such. I did that and saw many people reading it and I was surprised people took the time to read the entire page. I think it helped alot. Especially to people that I didn't get a chance to talk to or that may have just been passing by.

Oh, we also took chairs but hardly used them the first day because we were talking with customers and helping folks. It's a good thing tThan your feet are hurting IMO. It means your making money. ;-)

Geat job! I hope you do another one sometime soon!

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I too love your display. I think you did an awesome job on your first booth. I've seen booths at shows that couldn't hold a candle (pun intended) to your display and it's not their first show. What I want to know is where did you get your wire baskets from? I think they look nice. Congrats on the sales and I agree with another poster above in that you'll probably have some repeat customers.

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haha.... safetysue, I just sent her PM asking the exact question about the wire baskets. I love those as well!

Oh, me too! I wanted to ask her about those wire baskets, what they were originally meant for back in the day, and where she got them. Those are wonderful!

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No. Not doing other shows! I was offered a show the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Nice indoor show that draws a big crowd. I could have taken all I had left and simply gone to the show with all the same set up. I think it was just a $40 entry fee, your things have to be screened and they just take one person in each category.

No. More fun to drop bags full off today!

Jackbenimble! I did have a sign. I actually had two but my table got too full! The glare caught it in the video! I recycled and used some acrylic frames that I had. The paper in them was a nice, heavy textured Kraft paper. If I planned to do this this again, I would have gotten some cool barn wood frames. Anyway, this was my sign insert:


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I assume you mean the galvanized ones. I also have a green one and a big footed vase style one in the back right, also green. The square basket goes in my office, the footed one goes in my kitchen. Both are from a cool design store here in Kansas City. I got them a few years ago.

The rest are all flea market and antique store finds. Most are locker baskets! They have a number plate on them and everything.

Here are etsy links but you can search flea markets, ebay and antique stores and find good deals on them. I seem to find them everywhere! Locker or industrial wire baskets will pull them up.



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I did not check prices, my link is for reference.

Hopefully you will find some at a flea market for a great price!

I use them all over my house including in my garden. I line some with sheet moss and plant in them. One I tie wrap to an iron bird feeder stand. Looks cute with cascading flowers.

Two small ones are tie wrapped onto an old bicycle and are planted similarly.

Here are some of my garden pics using the baskets:



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Just a suggestion, but if you have a lot leftover, host a home show at your house. Great way to get rid of extra product and socialize.


A couple of ladies from my church have asked if I would do that. I think I will do it more "open house" style and just have a couple over here and there.

A friend who is a missionary to El Salvador will be here at Christmas and has messaged me asking to come by when they are here to buy some for the ladies there. She is thinking through how to get warmers there.

I cannot wait to make wax for myself this weekend. I got in some new oils and I am ready to match my baby sized batches again! No safety stickers needed and I understand the product! haha!

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