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Help Renaming MoonWorks Tea & Cakes


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I am testing this scent and so far it's going well. I am not opposed to the original FO name "Tea & Cakes" but also want other options.

I have come up with a few:

Afternoon Tea (my favorite one, although the scent is more almond cookie and orange than tea)

Tea Party (but maybe not- it may make people think of the current Tea Party political party)

High Tea- again more almond, orange, & cookie than tea in the HT.

I know that CandleWic has a scent that is similar but right now I don't want to call it Black Tea, orange, & almond (the name is a bit long for my type of labels)

So if any of you like any of these name or just the orginal name let me know. Also if you have a better one I'd love any suggestions. I know there are some good scent names here. Thank you! :-)

Edited by jackbenimble
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Can you smell the "tea" in it? or just the cookie?

Reason I asked is, I renamed one " Old Fashioned Tea Cakes " and it sold like crazy here in the south.

Seems a lot of people still make, love, and remember the kind of plain southern cookie our grandmothers made.

Hmmm very nice name! There is a tea note but even Rhonda says that the almond cookie and orange notes are more dominate. I think most people would not not detect it unless told there was a tea note.

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