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LS FO Vs GW 464 ?

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So I ordered a bunch of samples during LS's sale a few weeks ago. I have poured several and am a bit disspointed with some of the CT and all of the ht.

Now for the details

FO mix temp 180

stir 30 cw and then 30 ccw

@ pour temp mix gently one last time

Let sit until 140 (poured) 135 (poured) 130 (poured)

3 different batches same scent Candy corn with a hint of Creme Brulee.

And straight Hansel and Grettle Poured @ 135

** ALL off the heat ( ? though I melt in a double boiler with a pour pot and then mix into it. Can the temp of the pour pot be burning off the fo ?)

Ratio of 6.7%(first batch) 6.25%(Second and third and Hansel and Grettle)

For cure time

A) 24 hours

B) 48 hours

c) 1 week ( to the very anticipated hour)

D) H&G 48 hours

The CT are okay but the HT are non existent. I thought candle nose but left the wife at home and went out for a bit came back in 30 and had ziltch.

To make sure I was not trying to boil the ocean I burned B and C in our bathroom with the door shut. While I can smell it, it is very week.

should I just chalk this up to poor throwing or throw more variables at it and re look at my process?

Sorry for the very long ramblings. I also hope you see I have tried to do the leg work before involving you guys's.

If you still want to help after all that and or I have missed some detail please dont hesitate to ask/comment



OHH and I think my flame looks good within 15 minutes of FMP and depth looks pretty close to target.

Sorry stats guy so I have logged lots of data. ** LOL if anyone needs and efficiency model let me know .So far it aint pretty LOL.

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What you're doing sounds about right, although I stir for only about 2 minutes. Soy is pickier when it comes to oils and there are a few suppliers who have a rating system for how their oils will perform in soy ie..CandleScience.

Wicking plays a big part in ht as well. Most suggest and use 6% fo load, I prefer 8.5% (I use C3) and I believe 464 can take up to 10%. If you have your wicking down, try upping the load to 8% and maybe try a bakery oil (soy generally does well with bakery) and let cure 5-7 days. If that still doesnt yield favorable results, then try testing different wicks and possibly another supplier. I know for me, from LS their Ginger Lime, Peppermint Bark, and Autumn Lodge have very good ht in soy...hth

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Sooo part of my wax efficency model had me pour 4 .5 ounce tarts.. this morning i thought i should burn one just to see if i can eliminate the wicm issue.... My offive is a 12.5ft by 14ft with lower ceiling of 8ft 3".. Placed 2 of the .5 ounce melts in tray... after 30m i hear did someone get starbucks.. after an hour i get people commenting on how awsome it was... now i get where did you get that and how much do one of those melters cost.... Now i know some say some fos just dont throw with combustion... but why? If you wicked right shouldnt it be the same? If so i should relook at my wicks? Hmm and why us it i feel the neec to hide this under the guise of my wifes creation..hmm the game is afoot.

Pixie.. Imc....thanks for the come back i poured a cappacino mocha last night at 190 and stirred for three min... no frosting this morning.. hmmm

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I am trying two different at this point

pint mason jar wicked with eco 8's

4oz smooth jelly jar with 44-32-18z ( waiting on eco 4's to get here)

I think the mason is a touch under and the jelly are a touch over.

but they both come close to fmp within the hour per " hard and fast rule..

Not sure if I should continue with the small jars... But alas I think I should make sure I wick 100% before moving on.

****IE - i do want a more professional jar but I figured at this point I figured easily accessible trumps cool looking cont.during testing/learning..and yes I know I will test more once I move to final cont.

Edited by traok
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When I used 464 the ECO wicks did well in it. You're on the right track by testing in the same jars until you get to know your wax and have wicking down. I wanted to mention that Candy Corn is a lighter fo and some oils remain light regardless of % load.

One does not always get the same results with a candle vs melt. Candles have many more variables that all contribute to ht...hence you need to test to get your system down for the wax you choose to work with. Keep reading, there is so much great info on this forum and we're all here to help one another.

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Ok, off topic noob question. I see a lot of abbreviations throughout the forums and half the time I don't know what they are. So can someone put up a sort of key? HT, CT, FO (well I know FO), etc...


Sure. HT = hot throw CT= cold throw

A lot of people abbreviate suppliers names also. You can find a list of them for reference here: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?5492-Supplier-Abbreviations-and-Links

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