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CB Advanced Temperatures

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When I used CBA, I heated to 185*, fo 180*, poured at 115*...great adhesion, smooth tops, rarely a wet spot. It is a beautiful wax but harder to attain good ht. IMO, use top quality, stronger fo's and for me, 10% fo load allowed for a decent throwing candle...cure at least one week. hth

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Imo, CBA is a very finicky wax when it comes to hot throw. Its the most beautiful soy, but it lacks in scent throw. Alot is dependent on the fo's used and wicking...I eventually moved on to C3 and love it. You can attain a very nice candle with CBA, but you will spend some extra time and $ finding the right fo's for this wax. Problem is that once you see how easy it is to work with and how great it looks that if and when you move onto another soy, you'll be frustrated by it lol! Most soy waxes will require alot more effort to achieve a nice looking product, but there are a few with great ht...its a trade off I was willing to make.

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There are some great threads on C3 and you can always ask for advice on here...far more fo's will work with C3 imo. Every soy has its good and its bad qualities...the key is to pick which wax is right for you, then learn how to deal with it. There's usually a solution for most issues one may have :-)

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