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Bakery FO's Pooping Out!!


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I have been testing a 4625/4630 blend for tarts and am having a heck of a time getting bakery oils to last much longer than 3 hours. I've tried FO's from most all of the major suppliers so I know it's not inferior oils. I heat my wax to 190*, add dye. Ive tried adding fo at 185*, 180* and 190* with no success. The CT is fantastic..no problem there..it's just the HT fades so quickly.

I have tested this wax blend with fruity scents, herbal & clean scents with no problem getting them to last 6+ hours. Just stumped as to why I'm having so much trouble getting the same success with bakery FO's.

Anyone have any ideas as to what's going on or had this happen to them?


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I've done bakery scents with 4625 and while the other half wasn't 4630, it is very similar (imo). What I've found with bakery scents is they have to be added at a littler higher temp (which you did) and they have to be stirred longer than I stir other FO types to get them fully incorporated. Sometimes stirring long enough to where I'm worried I'm going to heat the FO back out but so far it hasn't happened.

HTH and GL

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Jeanie353..I add fo off heat and stir for approx 1 1/2 - 2 minutes and then let it cool down to pour temp for portion cups. Are you keeping your pour pot on the heat while you stir your FO?

I heat my wax and add the FO in the Presto. I keep the temp the same the entire time stirring which sometimes tops the 2 minute mark. I keep going until I can't see or feel anymore of the oil slick type residue in the wax. Then take my spoon out and wipe it off with a paper towel. If the FO isn't incorporated it leaves a film on the plastic slotted spoon.

I spigot some into the pour pot doing the tart molds first because I can pour them as hot as I want. Then spigot more wax mixture into the pour pot for the clamshells and that batch I do let cool a few minutes to not warp them.

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Jeanie..thank you..I'll try that and see if it makes a difference. I've only been doing small test batches via the dbl boiler method so I'll add my fo while still on the heat, stir until fully incorporated and then remove to cool down for portion cups.

Here's hoping this solves the problem.

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Just did a small 5 ounce batch with CS's Pumpkin Souffle. Heated to 190*, left pour pot on dbl boiler and added FO, stirred for approx 1 minute keeping temp at 190* then let cool down to pour into portion cups. Hopefully HT will last longer than 2-3 hrs. I've not been having trouble with the FO incorporating but rather longevity so hoping this method will help that.

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Just did a small 5 ounce batch with CS's Pumpkin Souffle. Heated to 190*, left pour pot on dbl boiler and added FO, stirred for approx 1 minute keeping temp at 190* then let cool down to pour into portion cups. Hopefully HT will last longer than 2-3 hrs. I've not been having trouble with the FO incorporating but rather longevity so hoping this method will help that.

Sure hope it works for you :)

I'm wondering if you don't have a little candle nose or maybe it is the A/C pulling some scent out of the room which is being discussed on another thread right now. I'm down in the wayyy down lower level with all the air returns covered and vents closed to keep the A/C out because it gets too cold. Anywho, while I'm only testing tarts for one full day of burning, I am getting a full 12 hours of strong HT out of them with a 4625 blend. But I am using 1.5 oz pp on the FOs (except CC) I've tried so far wanting to know if they will throw and if they are too strong can back the amount down when I put the wax into candles next month, if needed.

Testing in the summer can be a pita between open windows or A/C.

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jeanie, if you dont mind my asking, do you use a 50/50 blend or is the 4625 at a higher or lower ratio than your container wax? TIA


Others have posted using formulas at 75/25 (75 being 4625) with great success so I think as long as the container wax is in the blend somewhere between 25% to 50% should amp up your HT.

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I really appreciate this thread!

I just started making melts in early June. Summer was a bad time for me to start, huh? Hubby has A/C on and every ceiling fan in the house cranked. My stuff will likely be much better this Fall and Winter!

Thanks, ladies for sharing your knowledge and experience!

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Others have posted using formulas at 75/25 (75 being 4625) with great success so I think as long as the container wax is in the blend somewhere between 25% to 50% should amp up your HT.

Thank you...been trying at different ratios and not fully satisfied with any of them yet lol. Trying to figure out which wax has the most impact on ht and longevity...the soft container or the harder pillar...hopefully I'll have some hair left when Im through testing :-)

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Thank you...been trying at different ratios and not fully satisfied with any of them yet lol. Trying to figure out which wax has the most impact on ht and longevity...the soft container or the harder pillar...hopefully I'll have some hair left when Im through testing :-)

I plan to test/melt what I made yesterday in just a couple of days. I will be certain to let you know my outcome. I tested one round which was between 4625/4630 and 4794 and another round that was between 4625/4630 and 4630/4794. One combo was Cinnamon Buns and the other was Nana's Kitchen.

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.hopefully I'll have some hair left when Im through testing
Oh Boy! You too? :(

Mine seriously has thinned out since I've been doing candles. I'm not linking it to age....blaming the candles totally! :laugh2:

I'm really pleased with CBL125 mixed with 4625. I've also used 6098 (Victory) and think it made a longer lasting, richer smelling melt but the price caused me to go to CBL125. I didn't find the difference to be enough to justify the extra cost since I get another wax from CW.

Also, I do tend to use 1.5 oz pp on tarts more than probably needed since I rarely do for candles.

Made up a blend yesterday of a Pumpkin w/vanilla and began melting it this morning. Geezee...it was awful.

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Also, I do tend to use 1.5 oz pp on tarts more than probably needed since I rarely do for candles.

Made up a blend yesterday of a Pumpkin w/vanilla and began melting it this morning. Geezee...it was awful.

I also use oils at this ratio. I tried an ounce per pound and my melts were super weak for my taste. I have not yet found a Pumpkin Pie that I love. Those I have tried have smelled fine, just not like Pumpkin Pie to me.

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I also use oils at this ratio. I tried an ounce per pound and my melts were super weak for my taste. I have not yet found a Pumpkin Pie that I love. Those I have tried have smelled fine, just not like Pumpkin Pie to me.

Seems a few of us (at least) are still searching for the perfect pumpkin. The one I tried today didn't even smell like pumpkin and was nauseating. It was not Peak or CS or TCS.

I'm also searching for a good HAP if you run across one and want to share, I'd be forever grateful :) AH/RE and TCS are the top contenders so far but I'm trying to get a little more crust and butter in the blend.

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Jeanie, have you tried AH/RE Pumpkin creme brulee? I did, thought it was wunderbar, and so did my customers :drool:

Seems a few of us (at least) are still searching for the perfect pumpkin. The one I tried today didn't even smell like pumpkin and was nauseating. It was not Peak or CS or TCS.

I'm also searching for a good HAP if you run across one and want to share, I'd be forever grateful :) AH/RE and TCS are the top contenders so far but I'm trying to get a little more crust and butter in the blend.

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Lol, sorry about the"wunderbar", it has to with an old, old commercial that was around in the UK eons ago, when I bothered watching TV(if it was the UK, may have been a different Country.... you know how "great" my memory is!).

Anyway, the commercial was for a chocolate bar, and they had this older guy with a heavy German accent; he'd take a bite, look straight into the camera and exclaim "Wunderbar". He meant "wonderbar", a wonderful chocolate bar..... and now I'm craving it!:rolleyes2 So that meant my customers think the AH'sPumpkin creme brulee is wonderful - thought not quite a chocolate bar,lol

Nope. Have not tried that one but did just add it to the running list of samples to pick up. What is a wunderbar?
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I highly recommend The Great Pumpkin from The Candlesource. I realize scent is very subjective and different to everyone, but to my nose it is very well rounded. I smell the pumpkin pie filling, the spices and a bit of bakery. And the throw is great. It also takes really well to room spray. The amount of pumpkin pie scents that I have tried over the last couple of years is ridiculous (as it is with most of you) so I was thrilled to finally find one that I can settle on and end the endless search. And you cant beat their prices!

It is probably considered excessive to some, but I use .90 oz of FO to 8 oz of wax (both weighed). I dont have a calculator with me to do the math, but I am guessing that is probably about an 11% load or something like that. But because I only do this as a hobby (and I sell to an occassional friend/neighbor on a request basis), I am ok with that percent. That is only for making melts - no candles.

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