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Coconut wax???

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I have noticed some people and at least one pretty big name candle company selling coconut wax candles. I have found one company, Swan's Candles, that sells coconut wax. The link to it is here: http://www.swanscandles.com/store/soy_blends_natural_waxes.html

Has anybody tried this wax or bought anything from this company? Or has anybody tried any kind of coconut wax?



Edited by erin@ss
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There have been some past threads on CW so you may try the search feature but as far as I can recall the wax appeared smooth and creamy and burned like soy. I never did get an impression as to its CT and HT. I can see using it as an additive but not a whole candle, at least not until availability becomes more widespread.

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I haven't used their coconut wax but Swan's is an established company. I have purchased from them many times in the past and they have good customer service. Loved the olive oil wax they carried, not sure if they still have it.

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I use coconut wax and love it, its very smooth and creamy but very picky as to what scents will work with it. I find, at least for me, that it burns great, and once you hit on the best fo's for this wax it also burns super clean.

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I use coconut wax and love it, its very smooth and creamy but very picky as to what scents will work with it. I find, at least for me, that it burns great, and once you hit on the best fo's for this wax it also burns super clean.

Ditto that. I get it from AccuBlend.

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