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New to candle making

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Hello all, im Lisa and im just starting a new hobby of candle making, i am pretty excited, but a little nervous til i get a bit more experienced in it.

Im looking to do all different kinds of ones, from tall different coloured ones, floating candles, to small rose petals etc etc.

I would be very greatful if anyone can share there thoughts and ideas with me, that may be of some use to help get me started.

Thanks soo much.... And happy candle making :)) xx

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Hi, and welcome! Have you decided what type of wax you want to use? There are so many choices, it can make your head spin! I am fairly new to candle making as well, but my suggestion is to start with one type of candle, and perfect that before trying to do several different things. Good luck!

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I agree with Sliver. Being relatively new, pick one wax and type and stick with it a while. You need to test lots and try different things and you will get frustrated but it is all learning. Costs a bit too.....lol.

Read read read this forum. Great information from lots of people and if in doubt ask questions....oh and good luck and welcome :)

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My best advice: Don't assume something will work for you just because it has worked for multiple other people. Candle making is all trial and error and like somebody else said...it is very expensive to figure out what works for you. Its a weird phenomenon how the same formula/recipe will work for one person and not another. I started out using C-3 wax because so many people recommended it, but I had absolutely no luck with it. Find what works for you!

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Good advise so far. Start with one type of project: wicked candles or melts? Pillar/votives or container candles? Paraffin, soy or palm or wax blends? Paraffin is good for beginners in my opinion and will frustrate you less. The hype of soy or palm being a "greener", healthier wax is a lot of bull. Read the threads about it and draw you own conclusions. Choose you wax because you want to work with that type of wax not because you are trying to save the planet. Each type of wax has its own challenges and we here can help you through some of them but first make some decisions on what you'd like to do. Next have lots of money, this hobby/craft can get expensive. Find a supplier of wax, wicks and fragrances that is as close to you as possible so that the shipping costs are not too high.

I could go on but won't. Don't want to scare you off. We are a friendly and helpful bunch here so feel free to ask, no question is stupid.


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Thankyou everyone for all you advice and tips!!

I bought the candle maker kit from Hobbycraft yesturday, its looks very good, has everything you need to make up to 20 candles. So for now ill use that and see how i get on, but i also have bought a candle making book which is a good straigh forward book to follow, so im sure that will come useful :) I think once i have used my started kit ill have a go at some straight forward tower scented candles (one colour to start) and hopefully go on there.

I am aware it is an expensive project,lol, as i saw in hobbycraft it was all very pricey, but to be honest i have had a look on ebay and can get some good stuff on there :)

Thanks again

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Welcome to the board, Lisa.

@SliverOfWax (or anyone else that wants to chip in): How are the Candle Kits? Can you make candles that are of acceptable quality to give away to friends and family or are they designed to be more of an introduction to the candle making process?

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Next time, buy from a supplier who specializes in product for making candles. Hobby/craft type stores typically don't carry the quality you'll likely want to use as you progress. And for your wax and wicks, settle on one supplier only.

Unfortunately, you'll pay probably 2 to 3 times what supplies are worth when you buy from a hobby or craft type store, and you'll likely end up with an inferior product.

Again, try a supplier like the link I posted.

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I wasn't sure if you were responding to my post, the thread in general or both.

Just to clarify on my part, I was wondering about the quality of the candles kits from the Candle Supply companies such as Peak, Candle Science, LoneStar, Bitter Creek (sorry if I left any one out). Would the quality of the candle kit give me something that I would be able to give away to friends and family. I'm still in the process of developing my Container Candle but figure making the odd pillar or using a different container would quiet these guys while giving me a nice welcome change.

Thanks again for any replies.

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Sorry, I didn't see your question when I posted.

The quality of components in a kit is the exact same quality as it would be if you purchased the components individually. Yes, the quality is good enough to give away or sell.

As with every aspect of candlemaking, it's up to you to test. Even when you make your candle exactly the way the supplier recommends, a lot of things such as ambient temperature and altitude can determine if the candle burns well.

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thanks for the great advice again, well i only bought the kit to start with until i get the feel for it, and make sure i enjoy it and can actually do it, before i spend lots of money from suppliers, although the kit i have is great to get started, in act im getting it for my mum for her bday, and ill be making one for her, you get a few moulds, scent, wicks, 2 bags of wax, full instructions, so i feel that will really help me. Now i am worried to how to melt the wax as i dont want it to set on fire,lol, i have read alot about these double boilers, which seem the safest way, and i could make my own with big saucespan with a bowl to fit the top of it, would that be ok?


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Thanks for the reply. I'm more concerned with safety than with quality of burn. I figured that using the starter kits that I could appease my family and friend's but I do have an ulterior motive of recruiting them later as testers. Is that too sinister?

Thanks again

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lol, no, it's not too sinister.......BUT............since you brought it up, and you may wish you hadn't:

I'm extremely opposed to using friends and/or family as testers. YOU are making the product. YOU wil be selling the product. YOU will be the one telling people about it. YOU are the one who will have to stand behind your product.

On the other hand, your friends and/or family don't have the vaguest idea what goes into making a candle. It's not their heart and soul, if you know what I mean. Plus there's the aspect of them raving about your candles simply because they want more freebies.

Oh, I know...your family would never do that.


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Did you have to Roll on the Floor and Laugh?

I'll definitely be the one testing my own candles before anyone else even looks at them. After what I just heared from you, I can't believe that my friends and family could be so cunning and devious, and all in the name of obtaining a freebie. I should disown them. Wait, if I do that then they won't be friends and family anymore and I can use them as testers. Wow! Everything worked out in the end.

Now, where did I put my funny GIF file........?

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Hello Lisa I do not know what to say. All the advice you have got on this forum is good. I will say that any kind of wax you chose to use weather it is pillar or container has a attitude. I am just saying once you think you have the right wic for the scent something is different. Good luck to you. Take lots of notes. I hope you have a whole lot of fun.

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