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Whipped Body Butter


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Ok I made Kimberlys whipped body butter a few weeks ago and gave the samples out to family and friends at my church. My thought was to have them test it out and I would be able to began to sell around Christmas. Well it was a hit and they loved it. I have them asking me to make more, I explained about the summer and how the butters will melt, they didnt care. My question is there anything I can add to make this not melt during the summer months? Or is there another way to make it to with stand the heat without adding anything else? any suggestions would be helpful

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Adding some cocoa butter might help make it withstand a bit of heat, but I wouldn't trust it to keep it from not melting. This butter really is more of a winter product since it's soo susepticle (OMG how do you spell that word? LOL) to melting. Since it's just butters and oils, there's really no way of upping the melt temp without changing it completely with some beeswax or something like that. I only make it in the winter.. In the summer I use an oil spray for after I get out of the shower.

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I've made this during the summer months & have kept in the house had no problems with it melting until I actually apply it. Keep in a cool place or maybe in the frig.

for selling do you think its ok to place that on the label? I will if its ok to do

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I don't see why not other products state to keep refrigerated or in a cool place. If selling locally I wouldn't try to ship it during the summer months.

ok thanks so much I guess I need to find a decent price for my shea and mango butter so I can make more, I ordered just a lb of each from the last co-op to try I wish I had gotten more now lol

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