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I also have a question with the glue gun wicking??? I use wicker stickars and they WORK.The glue gun when we first started didn't work.Wicks came loose.I found that before I started putting our candles on the market, Thankfully!!!

I agree with another.Why the pretty packaging??? She prob doesn't do shows etc but the first thing people want to see are the candle and to smell them.If she did shows I have to assume she doesn't package.It is attractive but a waste IMO.Just jacks the price up.WOW $20.00.None would sell in Ohio.At least not this area. We get customers from parts of Ohio and they feel taken if they pay $8.00 for a 8 ounce candle JJ.

Other than that she has a great production system going.A big operation so it must be working.


Wick stickers are guaranteed to not always stick. I used to be a believer until I had several

fail during test burns....

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Interesting video. I was not so concerned about the residue. Yeah, sloppy, but not dangerous. I was more concerned about the wicks being curved in the container. I pull mine taught and straight. I also don't just plop the safety tabs in the jar, I center them and press down to make the glue spread out a bit. Using a glue gun is fine, but pressing the tab is worth the half second it takes to do it.

So on the burn, the curved wick will burn off center and that gives a bad pool.

I'm not so sure a double wick is necessary for a 3 in container either, especially if the two wicks are slack and bent towards each other.

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