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Questions for those who poke relief holes in containers

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" If that upsets you blacktie, I'm sorry, get out the big girl panties"

That's not it; she was baited & we all know it.

It appeared to me too that BTA was being baited, wow if we should only comment about what we have only experienced firsthand, but nothing about what we have heard or read, forums would be awfully dull....just sayin'...

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Wrong terminology or mis-information.... Who really is to say.... I totally see what Chris is saying about being able to back up your post, however, I feel BTA did.

BTA did NOT say that WILL happen... she said from what she read she understood this COULD happen and I dont feel you HAVE to have hands on experience to have knowledge on any given subject to be able to offer advice or opinions or thoughts- I most certainly will not stop from posting anything I have heard and experienced myself because some people on this board has never heard of THAT before- we as candle makers need to make sure we do NOT take everything we read as gospel- we need to to do our own testing and learn things from doing them- what we read can be taken for what it is.... opinions and expericences AND heresay from others - period.

The fact of being asked if she even made candles and the insinuation that she never heard of it so it must not be possible was down right bitchy

I have been making candles for over 3 years... expert? HELL NO... still learning something new everyday? ABSOLUTELY!

I HAVE had CONTAINER candles "pop" "explode" "blow up" or whatever you want to call it- yes wax did come up out of the container along with little black soot balls off a trimmed wick.... air pockets? I have absolutely no idea but SOMETHING caused it to happen and so it IS possible

BTW - I am suited up in my Underoos

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Baiting? How humorous! No baiting. Just pointing out the obvious.

I repeat: When someone asks a technical question (not for an opinion), it's best the people who answer have a clue what they're talking about. This is especially true when safety could be involved.

Common sense.

I promise I won't answer any toilet paper questions. In fact, I guarantee it!


Edited by SliverOfWax
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