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GB 464 Picture

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Hey everyone. I have one post up here in addition to this one. The other one is titled: GB 464 Temps and other things. I wanted to post a pic of my candle that I made today with Love Spell VS type (FO purchased from Candle Science), in an 8 oz tin container with a ECO 14 wick. I tape my wick in place, a trick I learned from watching Style With a Smile TV. I am sorry that it is kinda grainy, but right now I only have my phone camera until I dig through the forbidden closet to find my digital camera. I have been looking also to find out cure times for this particular fragrance and I see a lot of 10+ days so I will let it just sit. I heated to 185, removed inner portion of crock pot from heat source (which was set on low and took eons this time) and poured it into the measuring cup ( 1 oz of fragrance to 1 oz GB 464 both measure out on the scale), I poured the fragrance oil in at 180 degrees, and stirred until it reached 140 degrees. I made 12 soy tarts too with this batch. The total with the fragrance oil added, yielded about 20 mL of liquid. I did this because of my op about temps with GB 464 and a question about my pouring temp. I hope this helps others too. I live in CT and you can have all four season run through on any given day lol. As stated in my first post, I let my candles and tarts cure on a two lvl fish tank stand. I use the bottom lvl to let the candles/tarts cure. I then put the finished product in one of the boxes I got from supplies I ordered (waste not want not) and then place the box in the closet until someone wants to purchase them or I give them as gifts. Right now I am only giving/selling to family and friends and the friends who tell other friends. I have not sold my other candles made with Ecosoya CBA because for the life of me, I just couldn't get a good throw from this particular wax, and in good conscience would not then or ever sell anyone something that I know only smells nice when not lit (too bad the local stores don't do the same *sigh*). I did get a good HT with CBA once and that was with a 12 oz jar double wicked with HTP 62, that once held creamy ranch dip for potato chips and tortilla chips. I have also included pics in this post of the tarts I made today. I will not release them until Saturday because I have found that with this wax, doing it sooner than 3 days, causes the tarts to dislodge only partially, destroying the molded product. I still get some defects and am working on how many days is good to allow them to sit before unmolding them in these particular molds. I don't have a problem with the stars usually, but those dang fish give me the hang ups sometimes lol. Happy creating guys and thank you for reading and I hope I have contributed something to those who are just starting out just like me and I am always open to suggestions from new and seasoned candle makers.post-14418-139458496037_thumb.jpg Again, sorry that the pictures aren't that clear, but as you can see, the candle top is smooth and the tarts too. I haven't noticed any tunneling, craters, or sink holes so far with this wax. It sets up like the CBA, but I can actually smell the candle when it is lit, versus no smell with CBA. Others have success with it, I just didn't unfortunately. I like GB 464 right now:-)



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The tarts and candle look good, nice and smooth. I only have one suggestion at this time...I noticed you said you "taped" your wick down. Not sure what that means, but in testers using a high temp glue gun is acceptable but if you are gifting or selling them, I strongly suggest using something like Permatex (red). When the candle melts down towards the end, it can release tape, glue dots, etc. because of the heat and cause the wick to move or shift towards edge of container causing it to get red hot. You can get Permatex at Walmart or any auto parts store, it only takes a small amount and will permanently secure the wick to container. I think you'll be much happier with the 464 : )


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My only comment is that an ECO14 in an 8 oz tin is awfully big. You'll get a deep FMP on the first burn in far less than 3 hours, and will be able to see the bottom of the container shortly after. Once the container gets past the half way point when burning it will be extremely hot. Tins are notorious for becoming lava hot at the end of the burn, so often people wick down to compensate.

ECO10 to ECO12 are plenty for that container and wax. Love Spell doesn't take much wick. I can get whole house filling scent with an ECO10 and that wax. Have you done your due diligence and test burned each of your containers and fragrances all the way to the end?

well, second comment... 464 alone is pretty soft for tarts. You may want to consider blending it with another wax, such as pillar blend to give them some stability. They shouldn't require several days to release from the molds. Once summer temps hit you'll likely have squishy melts that won't hold up very well.

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