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Dipped TP a hit!


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I made my mother a dipped TP for her birthday. (picture in gallery section) Well when I went back to her house the other day she told me she wanted 3 more and gave me money for supplies. She raved about it so much now her friend wants one. I hope this demand keeps up for my stuff when next year rolls around and I open my business! (or plan to).

Oh and Blacktie you mentioned to me about Hobby Lobby and ribbon sales. I went to AC Moore for more ribbon (expensive!) and when we went to go eat I saw a Hobby lobby that our "city" just opened up! I'm so excited!

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Im so glad you had a HL open up near you. When you are doing these, there is just so many sweet things you can get at HB on sale , from ribbon to floral to bling bling stuff. Suzy has a great idea about trying to get it wholesale ( the ribbon) and I did look into that. The only reason I DIDNT do it, was , I try to make as many totally different ones as I can . This is my "art" like the wonderfully talented people that do those freaking A-MAZ-ING pillars that are all in tilted layers, colors, some with the cool jump lines, etc. I sell a lot of these things, and for every 30 I sell, I usually have only one person come back and say " OK I want another one just like that ( or with that same exact ribbon ). I can use a roll up in a day or it might take 4 months. ( or more with the holiday ones ). So, for ME .. buying bulk ribbon, wasn't feasible.

Now FLORAL ? I'd buy that in a heartbeat direct if I could.. and if I could see some of it first to check the actual quality and colors.. but , again.. its just easier for me to buy it when it goes on half price or below. Maybe one day I'll be able to do it on a scale where Im making 10 or 20 of each kind and can buy in serious bulk !

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