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Graphic Designer


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Hi Everyone,

I have been away for awhile....about two years. I closed my business in 2010 to attend to other things in my life and to re-evaluate the direction I wanted to take in regards to a home based business. Without getting into all the details, I am thinking of reopening my candle business, but I going to keep it very simple at first and just take it one day at a time.

I can't live without a graphic designer and unfortunately Beckie from Studio Beck is nowhere to be found. I closed right around the time that she was scaling back. We were going to continue to work together, but I closed shop and just lost contact with her.

Does anyone here know if she is back in the works or know how to contact her? If not, does anyone know of a graphic designer that has a similar style of work. We worked very well together. She always captured exactly what I was looking for. I am looking for someone that does not lean heavily on the country look. I prefer a sophisticated look...not sure what it would be called....non country or cute.

Thank you for any suggestions, and I hope everyone here has been doing well!


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Hi Candybee!

Thanks for the welcome back. :) I do remember reading that others were wondering where she is. I for the life of me cannot remember her last name, so I was not successful finding her on Facebook. Do you know her last name? I don't believe I have anything with her last name on it, and I have not been able to find any website for any of her past businesses. I hope things are going ok for her. I know that she was going through some difficult times.

Thanks again, and I hope all is going well with you!


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Nice to see you back Holly. Someone asked this question about Beckie a while back. I think a poster mentioned they found her on Facebook so you could try there. Wish I could be more helpful. Good luck with the candle biz!

P.S. I just did a search on here and see a post I did not see before. Her last name is Howard. I just could not remember that! I will try to find her on FB. Thanks!

Edited to add: I found her on FB and just sent a request. Not sure if she is working anymore on graphics or candles, but it would be nice to catch up with her anyway. :)

Edited by Holly
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I still love your magic horse! Welcome back. Carole

Thank you Carole, for the welcome back and the compliment re the "magic" horse. :) I almost forgot I had that on here. Hope all has been going well with you and your biz! ~Holly

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