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First Dipped TP roll

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Most likely not the best picture and background. Never made one before - took a pound of wax! Smell is light and nice, its cinnamon. Made this for my mom's birthday, she likes leopard print and her bathroom is very bland (since I made it for that area). I could not find leopard print ribbon so used tissue paper. The flowers are hot glue on there and have a leopard print like pattern to them. Whatcha think?

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Yeah T !! It looks really nice ! Hint: watch Hobby Lobby for sales. Every two weeks, they have ribbon on half price... and then the week after that, they will have the dried flowers on sale, and the week between that and after ribbons, it's "stems".

I think it looks really nice !

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Depends on the wax she used, the temp, and most importantly , what type of toilet paper she used. Depending on what I am using ( I have two different types I use exclusively for different applications ).. one takes a full pound and the other brand of tp takes a lil over a half lb. The temp has a lot to do with it also. The hotter the wax, the faster and more completely the tp will soak it up.

Edited by blacktieaffair
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It was a Charmin roll, most likely double. I don't remember what I have in my closet atm. Didn't measure temp, it was golden foods 144 soy wax and when I melted I put my ounce of FO and dunked, then flipped and redunk. Had a little extra and poured the rest on it. It was fun!

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Horsescents, I'll do my best to answer that. I have a lot of pics of the tps I do , in the gallery, and somewhere up there is an explanation of what you're asking but I'll be happy to do it again since others might see this thread and not that other one in the gallery.

TPs are easy and fun to do. Just like with candles and soap, you can make it as simple or as complicated as you want it to be.

Like candles, the wax you use, the scents you use, and sometimes even the TP you use, and the environment it is in , will vary the longevity of it.

Soy has to cure in tp just like it does in candles. I've loved using soy before for testers, but Im one of those " I want it and I want it now and not wait on it six weeks " kinda gals

Here's my theory on wax. Im putting it on a roll of butt wipe , k ? I need a wax that will perform like I want it to , but doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. By that I mean, there was fantastic waxes out there that do their best, at a 1 1/2 oz per pound ratio. Im sorry. As high as wax and FOs are , Im not about to make a habit of making a roll of tp more expensive than it has to be. I decorate the living you know what out of mine, so thats where the money comes in for me.

You need a wax that is capable of, when paired with the right FO, has a GREAT cold throw.. these things don't heat, so after the initial "omg" scent when you unpack it, you've got to have a wax/fo combo that will throw like a mother cold with little air flow.

I don't care how much you love a scent. If it doesn't throw like a bomb without MASSIVE airflow around it, it's really not worth the time and effort, and money, you put into it.

If the FO only throws hot... don't use it!!!! You're gonna be disappointed, your customers will be disappointed.(ok they are gonna get mad cause they spent that much money on something that doesn't last 2 weeks )

Airflow : The savior and bane of all dipped toilet papers.

You gotta have it, but you can't have too much of it , UNTIL it goes really really really weak (im talking months down the line) . The airflow, of course, if its warmer, helps release the scent, but cold air does work also. Sit it in an area that gets good circulation. But again, don't sit it directly in front of a fan, it will lose its scent faster... And you'll get a headache cause its so strong!

After what I call the "initial push" ... approx the first month , depending on the FO... I have in my directions of use, that IF it needs it, to gently warm the tp up with a hair dryer for about 3 minutes. No longer. Again, warm air is great but the hotter you get it, the faster it goes bye bye! Refresh it about once a week.

All this has been long and drawn out, but I wanted to try to answer any other questions someone else might have too but here's the gist :

I have 2 different types of toilet paper I use... One easily holds a lbs of wax, one only holds about 3/4 or a little less of a pound.

It doesn't matter how much FO you put in that bad boy if it doesn't have a killer cold throw.

Where you put it in the room will dictate also how long the scent lasts. In front of a window in the winter is nice, on the table, behind the commode, etc ( this all depends on heat / cold / airflow )

I put my hand before the All Mighty and I will swear to you this much I know. The scents that I carry , for TP, will throw a minimum of 4 months to 6 months after they were made.

I kid you not, (this is the "I swear Im telling the truth no matter how far fetched it sounds " part ) ... I have one sitting behind me right now, on a bookcase, that I made 2 years ago.

Its from BCN closeouts, Honeydew... If I haven't cooked recently, or burned another scent... I can walk past it (within 2 1/2 feet) and I still smell it.

Its on the bookcase beside the backdoor and if it's open, and the breeze is blowing, you smell honeydew.... 2 years later.

Most of my scents, will last , WITH PROPER CARE ... a year or more. But, just like we were talking about in another thread... no one does "proper care" so on my tag, it says it will last six months.

To ME... thats the barest minimum... but I'd rather say its gonna last six months, and it last 2 years, than say it's gonna last 2 years, and last six months ( yall know like I do , u get the same FO from a company for years, and every so often you get a wonky batch of it ) so, its a CYA case on my part.

Now that yall've read the novel LOL I hope it helps figure out tps some. I sell a LOT of these things and have tried to make it "my thing" 'that I do , like some of yall are master candlers, some of you are master soapers... I play with butt wipe ! LOL

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Horsescents, I'll do my best to answer that. I have a lot of pics of the tps I do , in the gallery, and somewhere up there is an explanation of what you're asking but I'll be happy to do it again since others might see this thread and not that other one in the gallery.

TPs are easy and fun to do. Just like with candles and soap, you can make it as simple or as complicated as you want it to be.

Like candles, the wax you use, the scents you use, and sometimes even the TP you use, and the environment it is in , will vary the longevity of it.

Soy has to cure in tp just like it does in candles. I've loved using soy before for testers, but Im one of those " I want it and I want it now and not wait on it six weeks " kinda gals

Here's my theory on wax. Im putting it on a roll of butt wipe , k ? I need a wax that will perform like I want it to , but doesn't cost me an arm and a leg. By that I mean, there was fantastic waxes out there that do their best, at a 1 1/2 oz per pound ratio. Im sorry. As high as wax and FOs are , Im not about to make a habit of making a roll of tp more expensive than it has to be. I decorate the living you know what out of mine, so thats where the money comes in for me.

You need a wax that is capable of, when paired with the right FO, has a GREAT cold throw.. these things don't heat, so after the initial "omg" scent when you unpack it, you've got to have a wax/fo combo that will throw like a mother cold with little air flow.

I don't care how much you love a scent. If it doesn't throw like a bomb without MASSIVE airflow around it, it's really not worth the time and effort, and money, you put into it.

If the FO only throws hot... don't use it!!!! You're gonna be disappointed, your customers will be disappointed.(ok they are gonna get mad cause they spent that much money on something that doesn't last 2 weeks )

Airflow : The savior and bane of all dipped toilet papers.

You gotta have it, but you can't have too much of it , UNTIL it goes really really really weak (im talking months down the line) . The airflow, of course, if its warmer, helps release the scent, but cold air does work also. Sit it in an area that gets good circulation. But again, don't sit it directly in front of a fan, it will lose its scent faster... And you'll get a headache cause its so strong!

After what I call the "initial push" ... approx the first month , depending on the FO... I have in my directions of use, that IF it needs it, to gently warm the tp up with a hair dryer for about 3 minutes. No longer. Again, warm air is great but the hotter you get it, the faster it goes bye bye! Refresh it about once a week.

All this has been long and drawn out, but I wanted to try to answer any other questions someone else might have too but here's the gist :

I have 2 different types of toilet paper I use... One easily holds a lbs of wax, one only holds about 3/4 or a little less of a pound.

It doesn't matter how much FO you put in that bad boy if it doesn't have a killer cold throw.

Where you put it in the room will dictate also how long the scent lasts. In front of a window in the winter is nice, on the table, behind the commode, etc ( this all depends on heat / cold / airflow )

I put my hand before the All Mighty and I will swear to you this much I know. The scents that I carry , for TP, will throw a minimum of 4 months to 6 months after they were made.

I kid you not, (this is the "I swear Im telling the truth no matter how far fetched it sounds " part ) ... I have one sitting behind me right now, on a bookcase, that I made 2 years ago.

Its from BCN closeouts, Honeydew... If I haven't cooked recently, or burned another scent... I can walk past it (within 2 1/2 feet) and I still smell it.

Its on the bookcase beside the backdoor and if it's open, and the breeze is blowing, you smell honeydew.... 2 years later.

Most of my scents, will last , WITH PROPER CARE ... a year or more. But, just like we were talking about in another thread... no one does "proper care" so on my tag, it says it will last six months.

To ME... thats the barest minimum... but I'd rather say its gonna last six months, and it last 2 years, than say it's gonna last 2 years, and last six months ( yall know like I do , u get the same FO from a company for years, and every so often you get a wonky batch of it ) so, its a CYA case on my part.

Now that yall've read the novel LOL I hope it helps figure out tps some. I sell a LOT of these things and have tried to make it "my thing" 'that I do , like some of yall are master candlers, some of you are master soapers... I play with butt wipe ! LOL

Wow! That is absolutely FANTASTIC, blacktieaffair! Thank you so much for your thorough explanation! I love it! I will print that out and save it! I like Family Scott! lol So that's probably what I would use. And, I know it's a super-soft wax, but 4627 Comfort Blend has a kick-butt cold throw, could I use that or would it get all yicky and messed up cuz it's so soft?

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I wish I could tell you honey but I've never used that wax. I use Scott 2000 for one type so yes, the Scott tissue is great. Its more expensive to me, but it holds up much better from the first hot dip to sitting on the shelf for a year or more. Im just thinking, if you are going to use a known soft wax, you might want to use the 2000 roll. The tp is very dense, and with all the more layers and such, and the fact its so much larger around, I think that it would hold the soft wax better than a loosely wound tp. I've heard of some people who'd go to the dollar store and get the cheapest they could find, they'd dip it, and all the paper come off the roll LOL .. Messy !

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Wow! I know it's a super-soft wax, but 4627 Comfort Blend has a kick-butt cold throw, could I use that or would it get all yicky and messed up cuz it's so soft?

I don't think it will make a difference for the dipping part - but might on the finished product. Please do post your results!

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agree with KS. I think this is going to be more of a "tp" issue on which type to get BUT having said that, I've never used soy with tp so I dunno. I know people DO use it with tp, I just never have. I'd be more concerned about the quality of tp and how densely it's wound. But, I suppose if you're going to use soy, you will run into that whole " the more it cures the better the throw" , again, I dunno :( sorry I can't help more on your question.

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Yep, I only use Para.

If you're using soy, it will frost on tp just like it does in containers. ( at least that's what I heard from the girls I know that use soy on purpose to get that frosted look)

Also, the dye you are using can play a factor. Don't ask me why, Im not a chemist but it seems that some dyes, just don't like interacting with the paper and the chemicals on it.

Another thing... I do frosted ones on purpose sometimes, depending on what look I'm going for. Now, here's a hint that I know works with para, not sure if it matters in soy or not since I dont use it but..

If I want it frosted looking... I dip a lot hotter than I normally do. Each scent and color has it's on temp that I dip at to get a particular result, just like yall have candles that can be poured at 140 and some at 170...

On my tps, the vast majority of them are dipped at 155. I have a sauce pan ( smaller type ) put one end in, let it soak while I whirl it around, for about a count of 10.. then flip the other side... sometimes you'll have a white line in the center where the wax didn't go all the way up. No problem, you take care of that in the next step. After another 10 count, turn it on its side in the pan, and turn it over about a half inch move at a time, count to five, turn, count to five, turn and do this til all the wax is like you want it.

(helpful hint: If you want it to look like some of the ones I do on occasion, and have very solid ( no design showing through ) covering, that is glossy, you need to have the wax just a LIL cooler while you turn it around and around.... but you have to practice that, and watch it carefully and BE FAST or the wax will set up too hard and you're going to have lumpy-s, which is ok too! Just embrace the ut ohs and decorate accordingly! )

Consistant color... Good luck with that unless you are making up a lot of wax that is dyed, at once. Sure you can always make sure you know exactly what amount of dye you put in the wax for that "one" and you'll get a dead ringer... or not so much , the next time LOL. That's why I just do em one at a time (unless I have an order for 2 or more the same color, same scent ).

The best way to test the color of the wax as it will be on the TP ... have you some paper towels handy.... get it all ready, take a paper towel, and roll it up real right on one end ( I usually get about five samples off one paper towel ) .. with the end that is rolled up tight.. dip it in the wax, and count to 10. Pull it out, see how the color looks.. adjust accordingly.

I learned the hard way, the first ones I ever did, just because you drip wax on something white ( sheet of paper etc ) or wax paper... that is NO WHERE NEAR the color it's going to be once you dip that white tp into it! ( common sense should have told me that but I wasn't using my noogin! ) The darkest red you can imagine, will turn out hot pink on white toilet paper LOL Ok, no one ever said I had a lot of common sense at times !

If you KNOW you are going to want to do more than a couple , the same color: If you have the money and extra wax laying around you're not using.. make up 3 or 4 lbs of it dyed the same color. ( like a master batch ). Dont scent it, do that later. Get some cheap plastic containers at the dollar store, and divide the wax out a pound at a time. Let it set up, take it out, then put it in a jumbo zip lock. That way, when you need one THAT particular color.. just melt it, add scent, go to town ! (ok, let me say that I know that para pops right out of those plastic containers just like my MP does out of a soap mold... BUT I DO NOT KNOW IF SOY WILL DO THAT ! ) Just a heads up there!

Sorry it's taken me so long to get back with you. With everything that is going on right now... it's kinda hard to get on the board cause I get soooo depressed since I might have to close the business.

I'll be stopping by ! But if anyone wants me for anything, fastest way to get me in email .. it checks it about every 10 minutes on my phone


EDITED !!!!!

ok... I just read this again, and realized I left out something very important !

That frosting? Now, I do this on ALL my tps except the ones I want frosted....... I find where the tp is glued... and I unroll it!!! ( thats where those poofy things on top of a lot of mine come from! ). I unroll the layers, til I get down to where it's a solid color ! I totally forgot to tell you that ! Im sorry :(

Another thing, with practice, you can make it look tie dyed, two or three different colors, plus when you unroll it, it'll show a few white streaks in it like a tie dyed shirt!

Just unroll some of the tp. Depending on how it's looking when I start unrolling it... I can unroll 5 to 25 times! Just watch it. Where there is a lighter area, its only going to get lighter the more you unroll, and its like cutting hair.. you can always take more off but you cant put the tp back on it.

Now, having said THAT ...... ( I know yall are getting tired of these novels LOL I'm sorry, I just like helping others cause soooooooo many helped me! ).....

Having said THAT...... I HAVE been known to have to re-dip a tp every so often. Either from it turning out wonky........... or , I am being " artistic " and want to add something different to it.

Ok, I'll hush now LOL

Edited by blacktieaffair
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