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CD wick tech ?

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Confused about some tech stuff...what is the difference and how does it affect burn of same wick (CD) when one supplier uses 212* mp wax and another uses 160* mp wax to prime wicks? Using C3...tia!

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Confused about some tech stuff...what is the difference and how does it affect burn of same wick (CD) when one supplier uses 212* mp wax and another uses 160* mp wax to prime wicks? Using C3...tia!

The prime itself will make no difference...HOWEVER, the equipment used to tab the machines can and will vary greatly thus the wick itself may burn completely different. You're kind of comparing apples to oranges there. The only way to compare accurately would be to burn them made using the identical equipment which sadly probably won't happen.

I can tell you that buying from a source that isn't stable with their supply feed or buying from supplier x one time who buys from wick mfgr b. and then buying from supplier y the next time who buys from wick mfgr a. will cause a difference. Pick a reputable supplier and stick to them for wicks!

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