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Recommend...Aztex Fo's in GB 415


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I don't live far from them and can actually sniff the fragrances out of bottle while there, but to tell you the truth I never bought any fragrances from them because the all smell weird, the have some sort of chemical smell to them and that is why I have never purchases f/o's from them.

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Isn't that odd? Each of us smell something different when sniffing around. I am in NO way doubting that Foothills smells something chemical in them. I just know that of the 10 I already use regularly , and also I have probably sniffed each bottle in their line at least three times each, the only chemical smell I got was a slight trace from the Orange Juice one but I took that in stride since most OJ scents to me, have a fuel smell to them.

Edit : Just thought of something , not related but possibly. I have noticed that the last large order I got of clamshells, from the company I always order from, there is a "plastic-y smell" once I have poured the melts and it has set up ( like when I go to check it out a month or so later .. ) Im pretty sure they changed suppliers on the shells though.

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I got my oils in yesterday from Aztec, and I have never purchase from them before until now,..and I LOVE all the ones I got. I actually thing they are more realistic then some companies out there. I loved them so much, I went back today and ordered bigger bottles. I only test one in CP soap lastnight and it did just fine. It was their Coconut Bay,..OMG my husband said this one turned him on, *blushing*,.. so of course I had to go back and get a bigger bottle. LOL :)

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O gee THANKS Leisa.. now I have another one to add ! LOL Im not a coconut fan at all but customers are so I need a really good one. So far the only one IVE been ok with is Coco Cabana from WSP I think it was.. it was a mix of pineapple and coconut and I actually liked that one.

Oh Girl, I have tried alot of Coconuts,..but I think this is the best. Its definately a coconut, but it has that fresh really nice smell to it. You'll really like it. :)

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I bit into this sale and got 18 more sample bottles sitting in the shop...thanks all you inablers..LOL

I found OOB they smell ok. I got their new sage though and it wasn't as sagey as I wanted it to be but still will put it in test to see how it does.


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Aztec fragrances that are big sellers for me are:

Butt Naked

Monkey Farts---Have tried from other companies but non compare

Blueberry Cobbler

Pepperberry Mistletoe---I renamed and use this all year ...guys really like it

Bedtime Bath----THis is my new favorite for soap. Just made salt bars with it and it smells wonderful

Oakmoss---I have a friend that CPs this and its a great guy seller.

I agree with the others above too. Coconut Bay ect. all good and throw well for me. I use a custom blend of wax though soy/par

I do want to add that thier Lavender is not right but the newer lavender sachett is good. I live about two hours from them so I sniff mostly before I buy but not always ;-)

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Jewls, on the lavender. I've got the one from Aztec, one from BCN , one from Community Candles ( Alabaster) and one from CS. All straight lavenders. And not a one of them smells like any of the other ones LOL. I had posted in another thread about my best sellers, and I mentioned me having / carrying so many lavenders and it wasn't because I was a lav fan but they were all so different, and they all sell really well.

Isn't it weird how a supposed one note base scent, can be SO very different from everyone else's ? I've ended up carrying a true out in the garden and you smashed it with your fingers herbally lavender, the lavender most people think of when they buy commercial products, and one that is sweet. It's so odd how different they are yet they are supposedly straight lavenders.

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Got my order from Aztec today, they ship really quick!! I only ordered 3 to try in cp soap:

Blue Hawaiian- Very Strong, fruity, Love it!

Gummy Bears- smells like gummy bears, med strength

Bedtime Bath- Nice but doesn't smell as strong as the one I have from candle source..will see how it does in soap

Looking forward to soaping these soon..

I also ordered a bunch of the 4 oz. lotion bottles with the disc tops, 12 for 4.98..

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I got my oils in yesterday from Aztec, and I have never purchase from them before until now,..and I LOVE all the ones I got. I actually thing they are more realistic then some companies out there. I loved them so much, I went back today and ordered bigger bottles. I only test one in CP soap lastnight and it did just fine. It was their Coconut Bay,..OMG my husband said this one turned him on, *blushing*,.. so of course I had to go back and get a bigger bottle. LOL :)[/quote

See now i'm a gonna have to place another order,lol! I've never found a good coconut for cp soap, and so glad you posted this!Thanks! Is there any more that you know of from Aztec that work great in cp? I've found very little info about their oils...

I hope to try out the ones I ordered and i'll post how they do

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I cp soaped a couple Aztec oils that I received last week. Soaped Blue Hawaiian and Gummy Bears on Saturday and cut the bars yesterday. I used 1 oz/ppo, and there was no Accerleration with either one of them and no discoloration with the Gummy Bears fragrance. I did color the Blue Hawaiian a light blue and added some soap confetti but I don't feel that it would discolor as its keeping the same blue tone. I normally use the NG version of Blue Hawaiian and the scent seems a bit stronger in cp soap than Aztecs, though it smells similar. As for the Gummy Bears fragrance I have not tried from any other supplier, so have nothing to compare it to, but the scent is too light for me in the curing bars and really don't like it much, and has a little bit of a chemical smell, hope it improves as it cures.

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