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'Tupid question for today !!!

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I know yall have just missed me on here asking pretty dumb questions that I should be able to figure out for myself so, I decided to add a new one !

(and yes, I have searched and searched the archives and came up empty )

Bath Salts... coloring.... how?

I've made them using liquid dyes and liked them, but I've decided to try different colors/shades and Im wondering, if you use oxides or whatever, do you still mix it with glycerin first then add it to the salt... or just put it in as a powder?

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I know yall have just missed me on here asking pretty dumb questions that I should be able to figure out for myself so, I decided to add a new one !

(and yes, I have searched and searched the archives and came up empty )

Bath Salts... coloring.... how?

I've made them using liquid dyes and liked them, but I've decided to try different colors/shades and Im wondering, if you use oxides or whatever, do you still mix it with glycerin first then add it to the salt... or just put it in as a powder?

Can't answer your question but wanted to say I ran across something interesting last night. A lady who does a lot of soaping, etc. online says she likes mixing her micas with water. I thought it had to be glycerin. So, I guess we now have 2 questions? :tiptoe:

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I am the bigger dummy here :P but thought I would share what I have researched regarding bath salts

It is said you can use mica (tiny amount) added to your salts before you add your oils- then you mix it really good and let dry- to much mica I guess can discolor the water and your skin

I just made my first batch of salts and did not color them ( I was to afraid) and the dead sea salt I got from mountain rose is very fine not like pictures I see of other peoples salts

I added lavender powder to mine to see what would happen and it colored them a nice Pale lavender- greenish

I have yet to use them and see if I break out in hives or a rash! LOL. Getting up my courage- I was thinking if they turn out good I could hand them out as little gifts for my sisters baby shower

Edited by moonshine
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I have only made salts for decoration and some fizzy salts for my little neice and I've been using my Select Shades from Tradewinds, which work well. I think any soap safe type of colorant can be used. Couple of sites say you can use food coloring. Some of the colorants you have to take it easy with because it can stain the tub or washcloths if you use too much.

I read that about using water to dissolve micas, so I gave it a try. Did it with some M&P and it worked great. Actually dissolves pretty easily and you don't need much water. Much easier than trying to get it smooth in oil or glycerine. I tried it with M&P because I always add powdered goatsmilk, which is reconstituted with water. So, didn't think a little extra water in the mica would hurt the soap. Haven't tried that in any other product though.

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Try adding it directly to you your fragrance oil or EO, let it sit and soak into the oil for a couple hours stirring frequently. Add some water to thin it out, water will evaporate.

Use 1 ounce- or more FO or EO ppo (per pound) of salts.It can take a couple weeks for the oil to absorb, at that point you can judge if more color was needed or not.

I prefer pink himalayan salt, left in its raw naturally colored state, myself :)

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