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Rebatching CP


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Do I have to use boiler bags in water to melt my soap shavings? Is there another method? Basically I want to slow melt the shavings right? I have a small Partylite soap meltor that has a warm setting and a melt setting. Can I use that? I do think the bowl inside is probably aluminum but the soap is already saponified so it shouldn't effect it or am I wrong? I just hate using the boiler bag method. So looking for other options. Thanks.

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I don't know about using the aluminum bowl but there are other methods: (Hate the boil-in-the-bag method) 1) Microwave - short burst, then stir and don't walk away from the microwave or you'll have a real mess 2) put in oven safe bowl and heat in oven till melted

The micro is the quickest method. Be prepared with your dyes/additives if you're using them because once you remove the melted shreds from the heat, it can cool quickly. I use a corelle type bowl in the micro.

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Thanks for the replies. I went to Miller's soap and read the instructions for rebatching and chose the crockpot method. I just don't want to risk the aluminum bowl. But it wasn't big enough anyway so its no longer an option. So the crockpot is perfect for the job!

My botched soap was that beautiful pink and baby blue powder scent. It was gorgeous for about 2 days then turned an ochre brown. I'm gonna add some men's scent and call it Dirty Boy. Although leather would pair up nicely with powder too. Maybe some leather, very sexy for men, and powder, and call it Dirty Cowboy!!

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I'll second the microwave method (that's the fastest i think). Also, not boil in the bag, but bake in the bag is also an option.

Do you have to rebatch because the soap quality is off, or the look is not what you wanted? If it is the look (like too much color or something like that), you can shred it and make a new batch with 1/3 new soap, 2/3 shredded soap (trace the new soap, dump the shreds in the batter, stir and plop in the mold). Not quite the embeds but can look really cute.

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Thanks Nat. I'll try that sometime I'm sure. I am rebatching this soap due to the yucky color change. Doesn't really need anything added. Since its a coconut milk soap I threw in just a little bit of fresh coconut milk to keep it moist. Its already brown so not worried about adding milk. Just don't want it to scorch in the pot.

I have another question. If the soap you are rebatching is fairly fresh and hasn't cured does the rebatched still have to cure for the remaining time or is it good right away? Or do I just let it sit for a few days to let the new fluid evaporate and the soap shrink? I'm a bit confused on this part. I didn't see anything about curing rebatched soap. I assume if its a rebatch you added more lye water to it then you would need to let it cure. Or do you since its being cooked in the crockpot or oven? Sorry for all the questions.

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I rebatched the CP I did with the white,blue and green swirls that looked weird to me. It hardened up very fast and my hubby is using it with no problems. I let it sit for just a week. I didtnt use any more lye either. It will melt and cook. DOnt add extra lye.

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I wasn't planning on adding extra lye to this batch.

But I did read on Miller's soap page that if it was a batch that needed extra lye you can add some new lye water to the rebatch once its melted to balance your oils out. So I was asking if it happens to be a rebatch with added lye I assume that has to cure but for how long?!!

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Can't answer your question about lye but if the soap is fresh, you really don't need to add any extra liquid but since you've added some add'l milk, it may need a few days to harden up. It is usable when it comes out of the mold but a few days of curing will help the bar to harden. I added too much water once trying to get the rebatch to be a little more pourable and it came out so soft & pliable that it took over 2wks to harden.

I just made a few bars with BB rebatch base and did not add any water but I did add three squirts of liq soap concentrate, a pipette of liq silk and 1/2 oz of babassu oil. It set up within 30min and it is sweeeeeeeeet!! (used individual molds & put in freezer)

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Generally rebatched soap can be treated as HP soap, CAN be used right after it hardens up, although it is best to wait a bit and let it dry more, just to ensure that your bar isn't going to melt away too fast.

If soap is "cooked", whether it is HP, or rebatch, saponification process is complete (assuming that your calculations are correct and no lye is present), and you can use the soap right away. With the CP, even if it is gelled, might still be loose lye present, and it definitely needs time.

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I just made a few bars with BB rebatch base and did not add any water but I did add three squirts of liq soap concentrate, a pipette of liq silk and 1/2 oz of babassu oil. It set up within 30min and it is sweeeeeeeeet!! (used individual molds & put in freezer)

Ooooh! You are giving me ideas! LOL

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Ooooh! You are giving me ideas! LOL

another one -- add some clay. The batch I made that came out so soft was shave soap & I wasn't sure how the clay would mix in so to help it incorporate and be more pourable, I added the extra liquid which I soon discovered I didn't need to do.

Aside note: keep in mind that I have never made my own soap from scratch - I'm just having fun using BB's rebatch base.

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