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Coloring Question


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Used Sparkle Red Mica in unscented soap base and swirled it into a very light base. I'm expecting the base itself to brown up since the FO I'm using has vanilla, but I don't have any VS yet. Anyway, poured it into the mold about an hour and a half ago, wrapped it up and have covered the top to prevent ash. The top of the soap is about 1/2 an inch below the top of the mold.

When I put the red color into the unscented base (I'm doing CP just in case that wasn't obvious), it turned a beautiful rosey purpleish color. The colorant came from WSP. WSP said that the Sparkle Red won't discolor in CP soap. But now it looks a very pale cream color. Am I seeing ash? Or is it something having to do with the cooling? Is the soap going to come back to the rosey color I had? Aack, help please?

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post-13471-139458493614_thumb.jpg Ok. It set up and cooled pretty well by this morning. This is the bars after being cut. The top shows the whitish layer on the very top and the pink shows through under that. I think my FO accelerated trace and that's why it didn't swirl in like it should have, but I kinda like the color change. Now, the thought is wondering how the heck I managed to get the white layer on the very top because I'm doing the "What if I want to do this on purpose???"

Could my soap formula have caused it?

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To me it looks like soap on top of the colored portion. Was that even a possibility? I think you'd have to walk through your steps and see if you can figure out what you did if you want to repeat the process. However, on another hunch, it could be the top portion didn't take to the color. You said you did red and it looks pink. I wonder if the color faded.

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Scented, about 2 hours after I cut the bars, the pink started to fade out. It's now almost entirely the color of the white on the very top. When I put it into the mold, the entire top was a purpleish color. It's almost as if exposure to air, or perhaps drying is to blame for it. And I still have no idea why. But on all the bars I cut, I can see a very slight difference where the purple/pinkish color was, but it's gone. I'm wondering if the mica just doesn't like the soaping process or something.

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If your color has faded then this particular one doesn't hold up with CP. It would likely stick in MP, but it isn't stable enough for CP. I've had beautiful blues and reds become nada. Usually mine faded out during the gel but some of them did vanish shortly after they had cooled too. Not all micas will vanish, just means this one won't work.

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I have found that when CP gels it can really affect the some colorant, especially micas. I've done experiments with gelling and without and all other conditions being the same and have had one fade out and one stay, esp with reds. I've actually stuck some of my soap in the fridge before to stop gelling to get a nice red. I wonder if these company's who claim their colorants to be CP safe have tested them through a gel? And some soaps gel super hot!

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I tried micas and the inevitable result was that the soap turned a mid-tan colour, even brown. Micas don't work in CP, they're really for M&P etc.

Now, I use oil colours and get good results.

Not true with all micas. I have several I can use that don't fade out and none change my soap to a mid-tan. The fragrance is guilty of that, but not the micas I have and still do use.

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