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UV Inhibitor.... Required During Testing???

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Do any of you add iv inhibitor during your testing or do you just add it once you've got your formulas down?

I have been doing so much testing between candles and tarts (most in small quantities) and have been adding .03% to everything but wondering if its really necessary. Not only is an extra cost but its just another step maybe I could skip during this phase. :confused:

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I don't use UV but I'd say if you are selling candles with it in them, then my opinion is yes, you'd need it when conducting your testing. One little thing can make a difference. You need to test all the ingredients together if you plan on selling them that way. I don't know how much it could change your outcome, but, you should know how all the ingredients work in your application and make adjustments if needed. HTH.

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Not all UV inhibitor is the same, but it's never made a discernible difference in the burn qualities of my candles either; however, that's not the point, IMHO. The bottom line for me is when I state that I have tested the product, I have tested the EXACT product I sell. No short cuts, nothing left out or added, the whole candle from start to finish.

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Thanks for all the responses. Up to now I have put it in every single test I've done and would never try to sell anything without the entire system being thoroughly tested. I'ts not a big deal when I'm testing several candles with the same base wax in my presto, the tedious part comes in when I'm testing several waxes especially with my melts.

In my never ending quest to make the best melts I test a lot of different scent combos and waxes and usually in only 2oz quantities. I just get a little tired sometimes of measuring out .06g fifteen times in an hour:)

Forgot to ask...for those of you who use this, do you think .03g/oz is sufficient?

Edited by glowworm
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