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Too Big?

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Does this look like the wick will end up being to big? Hang-up is very thin, less then 1/8 thick. Also, I'm getting mushrooms with all soys I'm testing. No matter type of soy or wick type. Down to 6% FO, thinking that would help.

Millennium Soy-1st 3 hour burn


6% CCs TigerLily&Cantaloupe

12oz Status jar

Wick is off center, try to ignore that part.




Edited by ChandlerWicks
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I don't know about anyone else ... but I seem to always get a mushroom on the first burn especially if I have trimmed the wick. One explanation I got was that the threads have a tendency to fray when cut and that causes the mushroom. So am not concerned until I see consistent mushrooming on subsequent burns.

I expect the slight hang-up will disappear. You may still have a trace of a film on the glass but that is nothing that would cause me any concern.


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Very nice to know Judy, thank you for that information because I too noticed tonight after having 30 candles (yes 30) testing throughout the house- no matter the wick or wax the first burn I got some sort of mushroom- some worse than others and I wanted to pull my hair out but after the second light most of them went away. That makes sense to me as to why

Chandlerwicks post another picture around the 3rd burn- eco 14 was always very hot for me in soy but I also use a smaller jar. I just read on a recent thread someone saying mushrooming with an ECO wick means to much FO- so if you keep getting one that could be the issue there

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Just wondering if you have tried moving it around to different spots in the house? I have some drafty spots (especially around windows and doors) where a wick will always dance. Oh, and when the heat pump/furnace comes on there is no living area that doesn't have air movement that affects the flame. I do have one bathroom that has no windows ... and if I place the candle there when the heat isn't on, and close the door, the flame settles nicely.

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I am so youtube stupid... this took forever to figure out so hopefully it works...I did this on my Iphone and it would not recognize my account for youtube so I had to shorten it up and email it myself and then upload it and copy the url...

Sorry no music- I cannot figure that one out but American Idol is in the background- envision Candle In The Wind playing... I know how to make those! LOL
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forgot to add these are all straight 464 with CD10 CD12 CDN10 CDN12 CDN14 and HTP105 wicks

The tin is a HTP83 and the small jelly is a CDN8- those ones hardly move unless you walk by them but the rest...... well you can see they like the tango

Thought I was looking at my testers....lol. If someone can help us get to the bottom of this it would be so great. I'm lost.

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That would be nice... 3 different kinds of wicks in straight wax and they all dance- I dont get it but calm in a container that is as wide as it is deep

they all got a mushroom first light- some very small and others (like the cotton wick) huge- the one that appears to be doing the best with a good flame height and minimal movement is the CDN14 which is shocking to me (I have never even tried bigger than a 12)- it will be interesting to see if it gets the container to hot- I try and stay away from 12's in this jar for that reason

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Thanks again Judy, no the dancing goes on throughout the house. I keep it on the chilly side so not alot of airflow.

MS, thanks for taking the time to do the video! I've been examining the wick charts & found (I think) that CD-12 stats are larger then the CD-14 stats. They definitely burn bigger in my testing. The stats should be the same for the CDs & the CDNs.(I was told this anyway) They are not the same for the NCDs.

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