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Night light tart warmers


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When I use mine it goes through the whole house. I have it in a bathroom on the far end of the house and when I come home and open the door on the other end of the house I can definitely smell it. Of course, it may all depend on what FO you are using. It might just happen that the ones I have used are stronger than most.

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I say a small room. We only use one like that in our powder room. The scent will drift into the hall and up the stairs with the air flow but I think if it were plugged in a larger, more open room, the scent would get lost. It's a small melt pool in those compared to a regular warmer bowl and most onlyuse a 15 watt bulb which is not very hot at all.

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I think it depends on the strength of the FO. I have a 15 watt warmer in the bathroom. If I put something in I don't like I can smell all over the main level and I don't have a forced air furnace. Some of my lighter scents I can only smell in the bathroom which is an 8 x 11 room.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I never had any luck with my night light warmers from levine gifts. My wax has a melting point of 122 and only a nickel size amount of the wax would melt in those things. I am sure it was a 15 watt bulb. I only put 1/2 oz wax in the melter but it still didn't get a fmp. I ended up throwing mine out. I know alot of people love those things, just didn't work for me.

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I can't smell anything from my warmer, Scensy/15w bulb. Even using straight FO, it's just a night light for me now. I'm sure if I put clean cotton in it I could smell it all over the house because I HATE CC.

I quickly looked for the "like" button (note to self: you're not on FB) -- I'm glad to know I'm not the only one! Everyone looks at me like I have two heads when I say that I hate that fragrance!!

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