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Using Rebatch Bases

Pam W

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I've never soaped...but thought I'd try my hand at some rebatch bases so I ordered some from BB. Have a lot of questions but didn't want to ask w/o first doing the usual search on the topic but the search feature isn't working right now. So:

Is there a rule of thumb as to how much other stuff(oils/butters/clays) you can add to the commercially made rebatch bases without killing the lather?

Can add'l liquid be added to the base to thin it enough to try my hand at ITP swirls? (I understand that add'l liquid will increase cure time)

Any tips that a non-soaper should know will be appreciated.

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Hi, Pam I am a cp soapmaker and can help you with some advice on rebatch bases per my experience..I would use no more than 2 tbs of additional oils-including fragrance oils and no more than 1/8 cup of liquid per pound of base..depending on how fresh the rebatch is -you might not need that much liquid( you can use distilled water,coconut milk,goats milk) to melt it down, as new cp soap ..about a month old and less retains liquid, thus the curing phase of soap..but you will probably never get it as smooth to be able to do swirls..that is achieved at thin trace ..right at pouring of cp soap into the molds..but you can definitely try, it will probably look more like mashed potatoes that you plop into the molds..rebatch soap is very rustic looking because of this...in my experience I place it in a warm oven ..about 200"F in a stainless steel vessel , add a few tsp of liquid at a time until you reach that mashed potato consistency..it will take a while..about an hour or more , you can add additonal oils a few tbs per pound as well and any wonderful botancials you would like again a few tsps per pound and a couple tsps of fragrance oil or essential oils per pound ....I would recommend curing a few weeks although you can use right away..hope this helps and once again this is only my opinion :)

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Thanks, that does help. Got my order today and melted down enough for a couple of bars just to see what I was dealing with. I added 1 tbl of babassu oil & .4% FO. Went with the boil-in-the-bag method but getting it out of the bag was the pits so next time, I'll try a stainless steal bowl. I can see that swirling will not be an option with the rebatch base..lol

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Pam, you can use stainless steel or glass bowls(heatproof)..and after trying the bag method and the double boiler method, the oven method is the best for me as it melts the rebatch more evenly..:)

Edited by BlancaD
needed to add more info
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm happy with BB's GM rebatch base - thick creamy lather.

I made a couple of shave soap bars w/clay. I added extra liquid thinking it was necessary for the clay to incorporate and I ended up with some really soft bars that will take some time to harden. Tore them up trying to get them out of the molds but squished them back into shape. I'm anxious to see how it lathers with the shave brush.

The reg soap bars (poured in indiv molds & sprayed w/Pam) popped right out of the molds. Fragrances held up well but then there wasn't any cooking involved - just mix in after melting.

The oven and double broiler methods were much easier than the boil-in-the-bag. It was easier to mix in the goodies. With the bag method, there was a lot of excess soap that I couldn't get out of the bag without cutting it open a scraping it.

The bars are very rustic looking but I like them and will order more to play with more...maybe try making some salt bars.

Here is a link to BB's video on rebatching.


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