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8oz jj & wet spots

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Mmm :mad: I have my pour temp down for the 16oz canning jars (C3) and rarely get wet spots but it never fails on the 8oz jj. I've tried different pour temps-lower and higher-and every stinkin time I'll get them on every jar...any suggestions? tia

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Wet spots (areas of no adhesion to the glass) are a fact of life with container candles. To help prevent them, concentrate on glass/wax adhesion. Prewash your containers in HOT water with Parson's Sudsy Ammonia or Dawn (original formula) dishwashing detergent to remove all traces of manufacturing residue. Rinse well in HOT water and allow to air-dry upside down. Warm your containers prior to pouring - just enough to the point where you can still comfortably hold the container. Even so, you may still experience "wet spots" because glass & wax expand and contract at different rates. Even after my candles cool I protect them from open air (by placing them back into the box the glassware came in) until the wax has had a chance to harden for a day or so.

Wintertime is a common time for wet spots to occur because cooler night temps cause the wax to pull away from the glass. It also happens as spring moves into summer (warm weather to air conditioning). They are more noticeable in taller containers, but occur in squat jars also. HTH

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I prefer to use jj's because I like to use colors (and I have wicking down lol)...Stella, I do all the above (advice I've received from u before :)) but have not tried putting them in box...always leave them out for first 24 hrs so I will try that next. Dont have these kind of issues during the sweltering summer months lol..thx

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Dont have these kind of issues during the sweltering summer months lol..
When the AC thermostats are turned down to the "hang meat" temperature range during the summer, I notice that the candles on the shelves of WalMart, Dollar stores, etc. all suffer immediately with wet spots and I know that there will be a slew of "wet spot" questions here. Those troublesome spots have become an unofficial herald of seasonal changes to me. LOL

I, too, did all that stuff on my 4" "fat boy" candle I poured a few nights ago, too, and don't ya know there was a 1" diameter wet spot on one side... Might as well have done a voodoo dance... :rolleyes2

So I turned that side away from my view. As with many offenses in life, if I refuse to see it, it's not there. At least, not for me! :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

"Out, damned spot! out, I say! — One; two: why,

then, ’tis time to do ’t. — Hell is murky! — Fie, my

lord, fie! a soldier, and afeard? What need we

fear who knows it, when none can call our power

to account — "

Lady Macbeth

Shakespeare, "Macbeth" Act V, Scene l

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