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Contest ideas


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For those of you out there that have a Facebook page, Twitter, Flickr or any other social network for your business. What kind of contests do you have to promote yourself with? Were looking for some new, fun ideas to get more involved. So let's hear what you have done or plan on doing or even just heard someone else doing...

So far we have done the classic *reach xxx fans* contest, we did a scavenger hunt on our site as one, we did a "vote for your fav picture" contest and the winner got their picture painted on a party mug and I'm sure I'm forgetting about one or two others we have done....

So, lets hear your success/horror stories about contests =)


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I did one where you posted a pic, and the one with the most likes won a prize, second and third got something too. This was about 3 weeks before they made this contest "illegal" in fb land. It worked though, I gained a few hundred fans. I was going to do one for this Christmas season but it is now illegal...

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I do have a blog but its all a numbers game on Facebook. They trust the numbers. Someone with 5,000 likes is more trustworthy than someone with only 100 in their eyes. If I did the promo on the blog it wouldn't give me the interaction I enjoyed from the other contests. I guess it will be more of an organic push.

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