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What kind of wax is this?

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Yes..I believe on Etsy she states that it is Palm wax. I wonder if it comes all colored or scented? I am thinking that it works alot like the aroma beads...put them in a container and add color and scent until it is all absorbed.??.. Just my thoughts though. TY all for responding.

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That's my understanding too @kimmeroo.

You get a container with a tight fitting lid (um... maybe a jar or something, the fragrance might "degrade" plastic?) Add the fragrance & a small amount of liquid dye to the wax & shake, shake, shake to mix it all up. Think it would take a fair few shakes, to get the colour even! Maybe put some cha cha music on ;)

Good Luck if you try it. Let us know how it goes =)

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All the palm wax I have used is granulated.

I have seen on manufacturers' sites that they make prescented & colored granules but I have no idea who might carry it. I remember receiving one like this as a gift many years ago. It did not burn well.

Edited by Stella1952
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Same as Stella... any Palm wax I've used is granulated. You could try looking at a couple of Palm suppliers, they should state what form it comes in... but you could mail them & ask if not, I guess. I agree about the etsy candle. It's really pretty & "professional" looking compared, so I guess that's what you'd be aiming for yourself. Anyhow, that's how I'd go about it. I could tell you where to find the stuff if you were here in Au! Postage rates screw caring & sharing right up, don't they? lol

Edited by spark-me-up
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Actually if all it is is straight palm.. I have some Glass Glow from a couple years ago that I had tested. Stella..I don't want to make the candles just use them for my scent burner. I have had it with wicking..I am thinking about starting a new business with just assorted melts..but am freaking out lately about how Scentsy sued a guy for "copying them. Now I am debating whether to do this venture or not.

Ty all for your advice and info! Any other advice or info is welcomed! :)

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how Scentsy sued a guy for "copying them

Oh please! People have been melting scented wax for decades! So long as you don't do something that is undeniably "Scentsy" (and who would want to...), you have no worries. A judge would laugh that out of court so fast it'd make Scenty's head swim!

Now I am debating whether to do this venture or not.

Go for it. This is a hot (no pun intended) market right now.

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Thanks Stella! :) I will be testing...testing..testing! I already have a few great product ideas..just need to put it into a pretty package! I am having some trouble with a new business name. I got rid of the old one due to the fact that I was all candles then. I will be all Wickless(I like that for a name!).:P I will have to get some ideas! Anyone feel free, please, I need all the help I can get..lol.

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