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What do you think of this CP recipe?


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I am thinking of using this recipe for my first CP attempt. What do you think of this recipe? Would it work? I ran the #'s through the Soapcal, but since this is my first time, I'm still nervous. I would really love to use Goat Milk (fresh) instead of water. How would that affect this recipe? Should I just stick with water? I bought a book on soap making, but it doesn't discuss anything about substituting milk for water. Thanks a million for any feedback.

Palm Oil 10%

Olive Oil 15%

Coconut Oil 25%

Cocoa Butter 10%

Shea Butter 10%

Castor Oil 30%

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I am thinking of using this recipe for my first CP attempt. What do you think of this recipe? Would it work? I ran the #'s through the Soapcal, but since this is my first time, I'm still nervous. I would really love to use Goat Milk (fresh) instead of water. How would that affect this recipe? Should I just stick with water? I bought a book on soap making, but it doesn't discuss anything about substituting milk for water. Thanks a million for any feedback.

Palm Oil 10%

Olive Oil 15%

Coconut Oil 25%

Cocoa Butter 10%

Shea Butter 10%

Castor Oil 30%

Personally, I think it's far too high on the Castor. You'll likely end up with a spongy soap that will take a very long time to harden, then later during use will soften quite a bit. I have not run the numbers through SoapCalc tocheck the fatty acid profile. I'd cut the castor to about 5% and increase the balance in the OO, and the palm.

for your first attempt at CP, I'd stick with the water. Adding GM is possible, and will yield a very nice soap, but the technique requires some skill to avoid burnt milk solids. Nobody likes the ammonia smell in their first soap :)

Have you looked at the Miller Soap site for recipe ideas?

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I think it is to much castor too, you have plenty of CO in there for bubbles etc. I would put the castor @ 5% and up the OO to 40%. If you freeze the goats milk in a ice cube tray and add it very very slowly and have your lye jug sitting in ice water it will be fine.

If you want to go simple for the first time doing CP a bastile is the perfect place to start, it is 75% OO and 25% CO, you could add the GM to this recipe as well. This recipe will take longer to trace because of the OO but it will give you good experience on stick blending and seeing the trace start. ( Stick blending the oils and lye is my favorite part of making soap).

What ever you decide, have everything ready to go before you start and have fun..

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I just ran the numbers for your recipe and the bastile in SM3. The bastile will be a very hard bar of soap with lots of lather and bubbles and a moisturizing value of 7, that is high and a great number imho.

Your recipe is 6.3 on the moisturizing and close to the same on the other numbers, this also shows that you don't really need to use expensive butters in soap to get a great bar of soap..

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Kitn, I really appreciate you sharing your experience. Bastille sounds like a fantastic soap. I'll definitely up the OO. BTW, I just checked out your soaps, and they are Sooooooo Beautiful!!! . . . made me drool just looking at them. I don't have SM3, so thanks for looking it up for me.

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