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As a follow up to the previous post and building on that other recipe; I came up with this one: 26% CO, 20% PO, 41% OO, and 13% Cocoa Butter. The number look pretty good but I wonder if this would be a good recipe for making cupcake/cake frosting? I used 35% lye concentration and lowered the sf to 4% due to the fat content in the goat milk. The Sat: Unsat is 47:53. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Olive oil is considered a hard oil. That recipe would make a rock hard bar of soap, I would think the frosting would be pretty brittle if you used that recipe.

Have you researched castor oil? It really helps with bubbles at between 5 and 8 percent in a recipe.

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I've never had good luck using sugar in my recipe. I'm not sure I want the soap to move too fast as part of the batter will be waiting for me to finish pouring the molds and then whipping the rest for frosting. I have picked out fos that don't accelerate or discolor and plan on using vanilla stabilizer and td to improve the appearance. I tried to formulate a recipe that would set nice and hard but didn't want brittle. So you think the oo is too high in relation to the cb or just too high in general? I use castor in my regular soaps at an average of 5% but wanted to cut some of my cost down. I guess I'll just have to test and see what happens.

Thanks for the feedback,


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