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Air Freshener Blanks


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I have no idea on the paper ones as I've never done those, but, the ones I make from the aroma beads sell like crazy here. As lilmama stated above every area is different so there's really no way to tell unless someone is in your particular area that has experience with them. Alot of people sell alot of the single fluted type tarts whereas here I ended up giving them away as free gifts with purchase. Customers here want the clamshells not the singles. If you're really interested in trying it out get some supplies (not too much in amt) and try them out at a show and see how well they go over. If they're a hit you can buy more supplies and go from there, if not you won't be out too much money and product.

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Would you mind telling what shapes and fragrances sell for you in the car air fresheners with aroma beads?


Goodness, I have tons of them. Basically I buy in the shapes what I think people might like. Heart, bear, cross etc. and whatever I personally like or think might sell well. Also I have a handful of shapes that are more geared towards the men... horse, steer, deer etc. As for the scents I've done over 45 scents in them. All of them sell well. There again I make what I think people will like. Of course you want to have your basics Apple scents, Fruity scents, Clean scents, Manly scents, and dups. Any Bath & Body, Vic Secret etc sell extremely well. This time of year also have holdiay shapes and scents to offer. Hope that helped some. There's just too many shapes and scents to list them all.

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