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4 shows in the next month-Im sooo nervous


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Well its getting closer and Im getting nervous.I have 4 large shows in the next month.2 shows have an average attendance of 50,000 one has an average of 35,000 and Fort Ligonier has an average of 160,000.... I have been working every day for the past 3 months.I have over 1200 jj's ready,300 seasonal travel tins,100 8oz mason,50 16oz mason,35 hillybilly home brew 16oz mugs,300 bags of brittle wax melts,200 clamshell tarts,100 4oz FO sprays,scented putka pods and potpourri,bakery type candles such as loafs,cupcakes etc,electric candles and over 200 prim can candles....I will be making more throughout the weekdays but will be at the shows on the weekends....I posted a thread a few months back where I was told 10% of the crowd will buy.I just cant see that being that there will be other candlers there.I have read through several post that have had updates on how shows went.One states the attendance was approx 80,000 and she sold close to 600 candles.Others say maybe an attendance of 50,000 and they sold 300 candles or so...When I read 10% I about died because I simply couldnt make that many candles in 3 months.These are all juried shows so when I sent in the pics and applications I assumed I would get accepted to maybe 1 or 2 shows.I was accepted to 3 shows and then just last week a girl who owns a craft store asked that I place a display in her store.I accepted.She is right in the middle of Ligonier where they hold Fort Ligonier days,she told me stock up for Ligonier days!Yea I am aware,I normally shop Ligonier days and you can hardly move! Sooo Im busy bustin butt for yet another event in hopes that I have enough candles.I have a few things I didnt mention like pumpkin candles and things Id say around 2000 candles plus the brittle and tarts etc....So for those of you that have done large shows what was the average # of candles you sold? I want to have enough yet I dont want to have stock for the next 10 years...lol... Thanks in advance...

Edited by tinalee334455
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I know a lot of people say bring as much stock as you can. But seriously, my experience with doing shows is to bring as much as you are able to sell during the show hours. There's a big difference in that. I work my shows alone and there is only so many customers I can wait on at one time.

I do shows every weekend from April thru December many of them large shows with 35-45,000 attendence. I bring at least 15 cases of candles. But I also have one table dedicated to soap and B&B. So there are only so many candles I can put out on my other two tables. For soap I bring 60-80 lbs or about 200-300 soaps. Honestly thats all my car can carry! Along with my tent (if its outdoor), tables, chairs, display materials, table cloths, etc.

Good luck with your shows! I'm sure you'll do fine.

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Candybee, I have questions about doing shows alone--I've never tried that, but have one coming up in a few weeks when my daughter (my helper) will be out of town. I'm really now worried about handling sales alone, but am concerned about setup, teardown, and bathroom breaks! I can't imagine unloading and reloading the truck alone and setting up and tearing down the booth alone. At least this one is an inside show so I won't have to bother with a tent. Do you have any helpful hints?



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