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Pillar Wicking

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Has anyone or is anyone using HTP wicks in their pillar candles? I will begin testing pillars soon using IGI 4625. I use HTP exclusively for my line of container candles. I have found they work best for me. I do see more melt initially on the "curl" (lay over) side of the candle (the side where the HTP wick bends over to) and less melt on the opposite side. This less melt easily burns down as the wax lowers into the container.

I am wondering how the "less melt" side on the pillar will work as their is no extra container heat as the candle progresses. Maybe it's not a problem with pillars. Wondering if I need to switch to a "standing" wick instead of a "curling" wick. Any comments would be appreciated.

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I use LX wicks with my pillars of 4625, never thought about using HTP, I should try that some time. Anyway, are your HTP wicks primed or raw/spool, if the are unprimed, have you tried twisting the wick so that it will rotate as it burns and the curl direction will change? In theory, this will direct that hot part of the flame at all of the candle as it burns.

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I have heard of twisting. I will give that a shot. As yet I have not tested my first pillar. Still wrapping up my container testing. But I am only a few weeks away from diving into pillars. I found the HTP wicks smoked and mushroomed less than the LX's, at least for my containers using 4630.

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Funny, I am starting to test HTPs and LX wicks in 4630, just made a few for burning today. The ones with LX wicks that I tested so for did not mushroom or smoke if the wicks were trimmed. I agree that HTP might be a better choice. If you want to compare results give me a PM.

The twisting really works for me with the pillars but you still have to turn the candle occasionally. I also use a long wick pin and add the wick after the pillar is cool.

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Yes, you can't twist the premade tabbed wicks. How tall are the pillars?

The plan is for 3 and 6 inch tall pillars.

Thanks Stella. I'll give twisting them a try. And I'll try cotton core to see if the concentric circle MP works better. Wait! Now I know why they call this "testing". Personally, I think they should call it "Son of a *i*ch!"

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Try the twisting technique it has worked so far with my pillar candle. I have been making candles for years. I thought it was just the wicks I bought. Mine also curl to one side. Until I found your question and tried the twisting technique I thought it was the type of wick I was buying. Try it. I am very happy.

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